We finally released the second release candidate of TiGL 3.0. This release candidate contains all features that we wanted to have in the TiGL 3 release. From now on, we will have a feature freeze and will only fix major bugs before we finally publish TiGL 3.

We tested this release already internally with many CPACS models. Still, we want to make sure, that there are now showstoppers before the upcoming release.
So, please start testing it and tell us, if something is not working as expected!
TiGL 3 contains many changes, but the most important ones are:
- CPACS 3 compatibility. TiGL will now be able to read CPACS 3 files. TiGL 3 is not backwards compatible.
To process CPACS 2 files, please use the TiGL 2 releases. We encourage all our users, to switch to CPACS 3
as it fixes many problematic parametrizations and definitions, that finally lead to problems in TiGL and other software.
To convert your CPACS files, you can use our tool
. - Change of the wing component segment definition. This new definition fixes the problem, that some of the wing component segment coordinates don't have a corresponding point on the wing surface.
- Change of the wing structural definition and improved modeling of it. Please have a look on our blog post for more information.
- Modeling of the fuselage structure, nacelles and pylons.
- Deleted deprecated functions, such as the old intersection API.
- Improved modeling algorithms.
The complete changelog can be seen at our TiGL 3.0.0-rc2 release page.