tiglmathfunctions.h File Reference
#include "tigl_internal.h"
#include <vector>
#include <math_Vector.hxx>
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include "tiglMatrix.h"

Data Structures

class  tigl::MathFunc1d
class  tigl::MathFunc3d


 The CTiglShapeCache class acts as a storage for all kinds of intermediate shape results in order to improve speed of reoccurent calculations.


TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::bernstein_poly (int i, int n, double x)
 Computes the values of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::bernstein_poly_deriv (int k, int i, int n, double x)
 Computes the values of the k-th derivative of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x. More...
TIGL_EXPORT int tigl::binom (int n, int k)
 Computes the binomial coefficient (n,k) More...
TIGL_EXPORT math_Vector tigl::cheb_approx (MathFunc1d &func, int N, double a, double b)
 Chebycheff approximation of a function f(x), x in [a,b]. More...
TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix tigl::cheb_to_monomial (int N)
 Computes the chebycheff to monomial transformation matrix. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::class_function (const double &N1, const double &N2, const double &x)
 defines the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::class_function_deriv (const double &N1, const double &N2, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::cstcurve (const double &N1, const double &N2, const std::vector< double > &B, const double &T, const double &x)
 defines the CST air profile curve according to "CST" Universal Paramteric Geometry Representation Method with Applications to Supersonic Aircraft, B.M. Kulfan 2007 More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::cstcurve_deriv (const double &N1, const double &N2, const std::vector< double > &B, const double &T, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the CST air profile curve CST(psi)=C(psi)*S(psi) More...
TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::DiagonalizeMatrixByJacobi (const tiglMatrix &M, tiglMatrix &D, tiglMatrix &V)
 Diagonalize the given matrix using the jacobi method. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::distance_point_from_line (const CTiglPoint &P, const CTiglPoint &X0, const CTiglPoint &DX)
 Calculates the distance of a point P from the line defined by a point X0 and direction DX. More...
TIGL_EXPORT int tigl::factorial (int n)
 Computes the factorial n! in a non recursive fashion. More...
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::FindOrthogonalVectorToDirection (CTiglPoint direction)
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::Interpolate (const std::vector< double > &xdata, const std::vector< double > &ydata, double x)
TIGL_EXPORT bool tigl::isNear (double a, double b, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT bool tigl::IsRotationMatrix (const tiglMatrix &R)
 Return true if the matrix is a proper rotation. More...
TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix tigl::monimial_to_bezier (int N)
 Monomial to Bernstein conversion matrix. More...
TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::PolarDecomposition (tiglMatrix const &A, tiglMatrix &U, tiglMatrix &P)
 A function that calculates the polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix A. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::pow_deriv (double x, double k, int n)
 Computes the nth derivative of x^k. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::pow_int (double x, int n)
 Computes the power x^n. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::quadrilateral_area (const CTiglPoint &A, const CTiglPoint &B, const CTiglPoint &C, const CTiglPoint &D)
 Calculated the area of a quadrilateral defined by the 4 corner points A,B,C,D. More...
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::RotMatrixToIntrinsicXYZVector (const tiglMatrix &R)
 Return the intrinsic x y' z'' rotation vector of the rotation matrix. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::shape_function (const std::vector< double > &B, const double &x)
 defines the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::shape_function_deriv (const std::vector< double > &B, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapAngle (double degrees, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::SnapRotation (CTiglPoint rotation, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double * tigl::SnapRotation (double rotation[3], double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapUnitInterval (double number, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::SnapUnitInterval (CTiglPoint scaling, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double * tigl::SnapUnitInterval (double scaling[3], double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapValue (double number, double snapValue, double delta=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::SVD (tiglMatrix const &A, tiglMatrix &U, tiglMatrix &S, tiglMatrix &V)