tigl Namespace Reference

The CTiglShapeCache class acts as a storage for all kinds of intermediate shape results in order to improve speed of reoccurent calculations. More...



Data Structures

class  BRepOptions
class  Cache
class  CCADExporterBuilder
class  CControlSurfaceBorderBuilder
class  CCPACSACSystems
class  CCPACSAircraftModel
class  CCPACSCargoCrossBeamsAssembly
class  CCPACSCargoCrossBeamStrutsAssembly
class  CCPACSConfiguration
class  CCPACSConfigurationManager
class  CCPACSControlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdge
class  CCPACSControlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdge
class  CCPACSControlSurfaces
class  CCPACSControlSurfaceWingCutOut
class  CCPACSCrossBeamAssemblyPosition
class  CCPACSCrossBeamStrutAssemblyPosition
class  CCPACSCurveParamPointMap
class  CCPACSCurvePoint
class  CCPACSCurvePointListXYZ
class  CCPACSDoorAssemblyPosition
class  CCPACSDoors
class  CCPACSDuct
class  CCPACSDuctAssembly
class  CCPACSDucts
class  CCPACSDuctStructure
class  CCPACSEnginePosition
class  CCPACSEnginePositions
class  CCPACSEnginePylon
class  CCPACSEnginePylons
class  CCPACSEngines
class  CCPACSEtaIsoLine
class  CCPACSEtaXsiPoint
class  CCPACSExternalObject
class  CCPACSExternalObjects
class  CCPACSFarField
class  CCPACSFrame
class  CCPACSFramesAssembly
class  CCPACSFuselage
class  CCPACSFuselageProfile
class  CCPACSFuselageProfileGetPointAlgo
class  CCPACSFuselageProfiles
class  CCPACSFuselages
class  CCPACSFuselageSection
class  CCPACSFuselageSectionElement
class  CCPACSFuselageSectionElements
class  CCPACSFuselageSections
class  CCPACSFuselageSegment
class  CCPACSFuselageSegments
class  CCPACSFuselageStringer
class  CCPACSFuselageStringerFramePosition
class  CCPACSFuselageStructure
class  CCPACSFuselageWallSegment
class  CCPACSGenericSystem
class  CCPACSGenericSystems
class  CCPACSGuideCurve
class  CCPACSGuideCurveAlgo
class  CCPACSGuideCurveProfile
class  CCPACSGuideCurveProfiles
class  CCPACSGuideCurves
class  CCPACSLongFloorBeam
class  CCPACSLongFloorBeamPosition
class  CCPACSLongFloorBeamsAssembly
class  CCPACSMaterialDefinition
class  CCPACSNacelleCenterCowl
class  CCPACSNacelleCowl
class  CCPACSNacelleGuideCurves
class  CCPACSNacelleProfile
class  CCPACSNacelleSection
class  CCPACSNacelleSections
class  CCPACSPoint
class  CCPACSPointAbsRel
class  CCPACSPointListRelXYZVector
class  CCPACSPointListXY
class  CCPACSPointListXYVector
class  CCPACSPointXY
class  CCPACSPositioning
class  CCPACSPositionings
class  CCPACSPressureBulkhead
class  CCPACSPressureBulkheadAssembly
class  CCPACSPressureBulkheadAssemblyPosition
class  CCPACSPressureBulkheads
class  CCPACSProfileBasedStructuralElement
class  CCPACSProfiles
class  CCPACSRotationCurve
class  CCPACSRotor
class  CCPACSRotorBladeAttachment
class  CCPACSRotorBladeAttachments
class  CCPACSRotorBlades
class  CCPACSRotorcraftModel
class  CCPACSRotorHinge
class  CCPACSRotorHinges
class  CCPACSRotorHub
class  CCPACSRotorProfiles
class  CCPACSRotors
class  CCPACSSheetList
class  CCPACSSkin
class  CCPACSSkinSegment
class  CCPACSStringersAssembly
class  CCPACSStringVector
class  CCPACSStructuralProfiles
class  CCPACSTrailingEdgeDevice
class  CCPACSTrailingEdgeDevices
class  CCPACSTransformation
class  CCPACSWallPosition
class  CCPACSWalls
class  CCPACSWing
class  CCPACSWingCell
class  CCPACSWingCellPositionChordwise
class  CCPACSWingCellPositionSpanwise
class  CCPACSWingCells
class  CCPACSWingComponentSegment
 A CCPACSWingComponentSegment is a part of the wing that consists of several adjacent segments. Component segments are used to define the relative position of the internal wing structural elements and fuel tanks, control devices, and the wing fuselage attachment. More...
class  CCPACSWingComponentSegments
class  CCPACSWingCSStructure
class  CCPACSWingProfile
class  CCPACSWingProfileCST
class  CCPACSWingProfileFactory
class  CCPACSWingProfileGetPointAlgo
class  CCPACSWingProfiles
class  CCPACSWingRibCrossSection
class  CCPACSWingRibExplicitPositioning
class  CCPACSWingRibRotation
class  CCPACSWingRibsDefinition
class  CCPACSWingRibsDefinitions
class  CCPACSWingRibsPositioning
class  CCPACSWings
class  CCPACSWingSection
class  CCPACSWingSectionElement
class  CCPACSWingSectionElements
class  CCPACSWingSections
class  CCPACSWingSegment
class  CCPACSWingSegments
class  CCPACSWingShell
class  CCPACSWingSparPosition
class  CCPACSWingSparPositions
class  CCPACSWingSparPositionUIDs
class  CCPACSWingSpars
class  CCPACSWingSparSegment
class  CCPACSWingSparSegments
class  CCPACSXsiIsoLine
class  CCSTCurveBuilder
 The CCSTCurveBuilder class generates a B-Spline Curve from a CST parameterization. More...
class  CFunctionToBspline
 The FunctionToBspline class can be used to approximate an arbitrary 3D function with a B-Spline. More...
class  CGlobalExporterConfigs
class  CGroupShapes
class  CheckedMutex
class  ColladaOptions
class  COptionList
class  CPointsToLinearBSpline
 This class creates a linaer B-Spline interpolation of the given points. More...
class  CreateConnectedElementI
struct  CreateIfNotExistsTag
class  CTiglAbstractGeometricComponent
class  CTiglAbstractSegment
class  CTiglApproximateBsplineWire
struct  CTiglApproxResult
class  CTiglArcLengthReparameterization
 This provides an algorithm for an arc-length reparameterization of a bspline curve. More...
class  CTiglAttachedRotorBlade
class  CTiglBSplineAlgorithms
class  CTiglBSplineApproxInterp
class  CTiglCADExporter
 Abstract base class for CAD exports. More...
class  CTiglCompoundSurface
class  CTiglConcatSurfaces
class  CTiglConsoleLogger
class  CTiglControlSurfaceBorderCoordinateSystem
 Defines a coordinate system for the wing flap border. More...
class  CTiglControlSurfaceTransformation
class  CTiglCurveConnector
class  CTiglCurveNetworkSorter
class  CTiglCurvesToSurface
class  CTiglEngineNacelleBuilder
class  CTiglEnginePylonBuilder
class  CTiglError
class  CTiglExportBrep
class  CTiglExportCollada
class  CTiglExporterFactory
class  CTiglExportIges
class  CTiglExportStep
class  CTiglExportStl
class  CTiglExportVtk
class  CTiglFileLogger
class  CTiglFuselageConnection
class  CTiglFuselageHelper
class  CTiglFuselageSectionElement
class  CTiglFuselageSegmentGuidecurveBuilder
 The CTiglFuselageSegmentGuidecurveBuilder can build several guide curves for one fuselage segment. More...
class  CTiglFusePlane
class  CTiglGordonSurfaceBuilder
 This class is basically a helper class for the tigl::CTiglInterpolateCurveNetwork algorithm. More...
class  CTiglImporterFactory
class  CTiglInterpolateBsplineWire
class  CTiglInterpolateCurveNetwork
 Curve network interpolation with gordon surfaces. More...
class  CTiglInterpolateLinearWire
class  CTiglInterpolatePointsWithKinks
 This algorithm allows to interpolate a list of points. More...
class  CTiglIntersectionCalculation
class  CTiglLogging
class  CTiglLogSplitter
class  CTiglMemoryPool
class  CTiglNacelleGuideCurveBuilder
class  CTiglOptimizer
class  CTiglOptUIDObject
 Specialization of CTiglUIDObject for classes with optional UID. More...
class  CTiglPatchShell
 The CTiglPatchShell class can be used to create watertight geometries and solids from a TopoDS_Shell consisting of several faces. Side Caps for holes can be added by supplying the boundary of the hole as a TopoDS_Wire. By Default the algorithm tries to make a solid. Use SetMakeSolid(false) to make a closed shell. More...
class  CTiglPoint
class  CTiglPointsToBSplineInterpolation
 Implements the b-spline interpolation algorithm as described by Park (2000): Choosing nodes and knots in closed B-spline curve interpolation to point data. More...
class  CTiglPointTranslator
class  CTiglPolyData
class  CTiglPolyDataTools
class  CTiglPolygon
class  CTiglPolyObject
class  CTiglProjectOnLinearSpline
class  CTiglProjectPointOnCurveAtAngle
class  CTiglRectGridSurface
 The CTiglRectGridSurface class represents a collection of faces arranged in a rectangular grid. Optionally, the faces can be annotated using a custom type. More...
class  CTiglRelativelyPositionedComponent
class  CTiglReqUIDObject
 Specialization of CTiglUIDObject for classes with required UID. More...
class  CTiglSectionElement
class  CTiglShapeCache
class  CTiglShapeGeomComponentAdaptor
class  CTiglStandardizer
class  CTiglStepReader
class  CTiglStringerFrameBorderedObject
class  CTiglTopoAlgorithms
class  CTiglTransformation
class  CTiglTriangularizer
class  CTiglTypeRegistry
class  CTiglUIDManager
class  CTiglUIDObject
 Abstract base class of all classes providing an UID. More...
class  CTiglWingBuilder
class  CTiglWingChordface
class  CTiglWingConnection
class  CTiglWingHelper
class  CTiglWingProfilePointList
class  CTiglWingSectionElement
class  CTiglWingSegmentGuidecurveBuilder
 The CTiglWingSegmentGuidecurveBuilder can build several guide curves for one wing segment. More...
class  CTiglWingSegmentList
class  CTiglWingStructureReference
struct  CurveIntersectionResult
class  CWireToCurve
 This class converts a TopoDS_Wire objects to a bspline curve by converting all edges to b-spline concatenating all splines to a resulting b-spline. More...
class  DebugScope
class  DebugStream_
class  DefaultExporterOption
class  DefaultShapeExportOptions
class  DummyLogger_
struct  EtaXsi
class  ExporterOptions
class  ICADExporterBuilder
class  ICADImporterCreator
class  ICADImporterCreatorImpl
class  IgesOptions
class  IgesShapeOptions
class  IGuideCurveBuilder
class  ITiglCADImporter
 The ITiglCADImporter Interface class should be common for all CAD importing implementations. More...
class  ITiglFuselageDuctStructure
 The ITiglFuselageDuctStructure class provides some common geometric functionality needed by structural elements of both ducts and fuselages. More...
class  ITiglGeometricComponent
class  ITiglLogger
class  ITiglObjectiveFunction
class  ITiglUIDRefObject
 Abstract interface for all classes referencing at least one UID. More...
class  ITiglWingProfileAlgo
class  ITiglWireAlgorithm
class  ListFunctions
class  MathFunc1d
class  MathFunc3d
struct  NacelleGuideCurveParameters
struct  ProjectResult
struct  ReentryGuard
class  ScopeLockedReference
class  ShapeExportOptions
class  StepOptions
class  StepShapeOptions
class  StlOptions
class  TracePoint
class  TriangulatedExportOptions
class  ValueWithDerivative
class  VtkOptions


using CCPACSAircraft = generated::CPACSAircraft
using CCPACSAircraftControlElement = generated::CPACSAircraftControlElement
using CCPACSAircraftControlElements = generated::CPACSAircraftControlElements
using CCPACSAlignmentCrossBeam = generated::CPACSAlignmentCrossBeam
using CCPACSAlignmentStringFrame = generated::CPACSAlignmentStringFrame
using CCPACSAlignmentStructMember = generated::CPACSAlignmentStructMember
using CCPACSAxle = generated::CPACSAxle
using CCPACSAxleAssemblies = generated::CPACSAxleAssemblies
using CCPACSAxleAssembly = generated::CPACSAxleAssembly
using CCPACSBeamCrossSection = generated::CPACSBeamCrossSection
using CCPACSBeamStiffness = generated::CPACSBeamStiffness
using CCPACSBogie = generated::CPACSBogie
using CCPACSBoundingBox = generated::CPACSBoundingBox
using CCPACSBoundingElementUIDs = generated::CPACSBoundingElementUIDs
using CCPACSCap = generated::CPACSCap
using CCPACSCargoContainerElement = generated::CPACSCargoContainerElement
using CCPACSCargoContainerElements = generated::CPACSCargoContainerElements
using CCPACSCargoDoorsAssembly = generated::CPACSCargoDoorsAssembly
using CCPACSCeilingPanelElements = generated::CPACSCeilingPanelElements
using CCPACSClassDividerElements = generated::CPACSClassDividerElements
using CCPACSCompartment = generated::CPACSCompartment
using CCPACSCompartmentGeometry = generated::CPACSCompartmentGeometry
using CCPACSCompartments = generated::CPACSCompartments
using CCPACSComposite = generated::CPACSComposite
using CCPACSCompositeLayer = generated::CPACSCompositeLayer
using CCPACSComposites = generated::CPACSComposites
using CCPACSContourReference = generated::CPACSContourReference
using CCPACSControlSurfaceAirfoil = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceAirfoil
using CCPACSControlSurfaceContours = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceContours
using CCPACSControlSurfaceHingePoint = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceHingePoint
using CCPACSControlSurfacePath = generated::CPACSControlSurfacePath
using CCPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOut = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOut
using CCPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOutBorder = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOutBorder
using CCPACSControlSurfaceStep = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceStep
using CCPACSControlSurfaceSteps = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceSteps
using CCPACSControlSurfaceTracks = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceTracks
using CCPACSControlSurfaceTrackType = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceTrackType
using CCPACSCpacs = generated::CPACSCpacs
using CCPACSCurveProfiles = generated::CPACSCurveProfiles
using CCPACSCutOut = generated::CPACSCutOut
using CCPACSCutOutControlPoint = generated::CPACSCutOutControlPoint
using CCPACSCutOutControlPoints = generated::CPACSCutOutControlPoints
using CCPACSCutOutProfile = generated::CPACSCutOutProfile
using CCPACSCutOutProfiles = generated::CPACSCutOutProfiles
using CCPACSDeckComponent2DBase = generated::CPACSDeckComponent2DBase
using CCPACSDeckElementBase = generated::CPACSDeckElementBase
using CCPACSDeckElementGeometry = generated::CPACSDeckElementGeometry
using CCPACSDeckElementMass = generated::CPACSDeckElementMass
using CCPACSDeckElements = generated::CPACSDeckElements
using CCPACSDeckStructuralMount = generated::CPACSDeckStructuralMount
using CCPACSDeckStructuralMounts = generated::CPACSDeckStructuralMounts
using CCPACSDoorCutOut = generated::CPACSDoorCutOut
using CCPACSDoorSurroundStructurePosition = generated::CPACSDoorSurroundStructurePosition
using CCPACSDoorSurroundStructuresAssembly = generated::CPACSDoorSurroundStructuresAssembly
using CCPACSDoubleConstraintBase = generated::CPACSDoubleConstraintBase
using CCPACSEngine = generated::CPACSEngine
using CCPACSEngineNacelle = generated::CPACSEngineNacelle
using CCPACSEnvironment = generated::CPACSEnvironment
using CCPACSEtaXsiRelHeightPoint = generated::CPACSEtaXsiRelHeightPoint
using CCPACSFlightPoints = generated::CPACSFlightPoints
using CCPACSGalleyElement = generated::CPACSGalleyElement
using CCPACSGalleyElements = generated::CPACSGalleyElements
using CCPACSGenericFloorElements = generated::CPACSGenericFloorElements
using CCPACSGenericGeometryComponent = generated::CPACSGenericGeometryComponent
using CCPACSGlobalBeamProperties = generated::CPACSGlobalBeamProperties
using CCPACSGlobalFlightPoint = generated::CPACSGlobalFlightPoint
using CCPACSGlobalPerformanceCases = generated::CPACSGlobalPerformanceCases
using CCPACSHeader = generated::CPACSHeader
using CCPACSInternalPressure = generated::CPACSInternalPressure
using CCPACSInternalPressures = generated::CPACSInternalPressures
using CCPACSLandingGearBase = generated::CPACSLandingGearBase
using CCPACSLandingGearBrakingState = generated::CPACSLandingGearBrakingState
using CCPACSLandingGearComponentAssembly = generated::CPACSLandingGearComponentAssembly
using CCPACSLandingGearControl = generated::CPACSLandingGearControl
using CCPACSLandingGearControlFunctions = generated::CPACSLandingGearControlFunctions
using CCPACSLandingGearExtensionFunction = generated::CPACSLandingGearExtensionFunction
using CCPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep = generated::CPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep
using CCPACSLandingGears = generated::CPACSLandingGears
using CCPACSLandingGearSteeringFunction = generated::CPACSLandingGearSteeringFunction
using CCPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep = generated::CPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep
using CCPACSLandingGearStrutAttachment = generated::CPACSLandingGearStrutAttachment
using CCPACSLandingGearSupportBeamPosition = generated::CPACSLandingGearSupportBeamPosition
using CCPACSLateralCap = generated::CPACSLateralCap
using CCPACSLavatoryElements = generated::CPACSLavatoryElements
using CCPACSLeadingEdgeHollow = generated::CPACSLeadingEdgeHollow
using CCPACSLeadingEdgeShape = generated::CPACSLeadingEdgeShape
using CCPACSLinkToFile = generated::CPACSLinkToFile
using CCPACSLuggageCompartmentElements = generated::CPACSLuggageCompartmentElements
using CCPACSMainActuator = generated::CPACSMainActuator
using CCPACSMassInertia = generated::CPACSMassInertia
using CCPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased = generated::CPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased
using CCPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBasedPoint = generated::CPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBasedPoint
using CCPACSMaterials = generated::CPACSMaterials
using CCPACSNacelleGuideCurve = generated::CPACSNacelleGuideCurve
using CCPACSNacelleProfiles = generated::CPACSNacelleProfiles
using CCPACSOuterCutOutProfile = generated::CPACSOuterCutOutProfile
using CCPACSPintleStruts = generated::CPACSPintleStruts
using CCPACSPiston = generated::CPACSPiston
using CCPACSPointList = generated::CPACSPointList
using CCPACSPointPerformanceConstraints = generated::CPACSPointPerformanceConstraints
using CCPACSPointPerformanceDefinition = generated::CPACSPointPerformanceDefinition
using CCPACSPointPerformanceDefinitions = generated::CPACSPointPerformanceDefinitions
using CCPACSPointPerformanceRequirements = generated::CPACSPointPerformanceRequirements
using CCPACSPointX = generated::CPACSPointX
using CCPACSPointXYZ = generated::CPACSPointXYZ
using CCPACSPointXZ = generated::CPACSPointXZ
using CCPACSPointZ = generated::CPACSPointZ
using CCPACSPosExcl0DoubleBase = generated::CPACSPosExcl0DoubleBase
using CCPACSPosExcl0IntBase = generated::CPACSPosExcl0IntBase
using CCPACSProfileBasedStructuralElements = generated::CPACSProfileBasedStructuralElements
using CCPACSProfileGeometry = generated::CPACSProfileGeometry
using CCPACSRectangleProfile = generated::CPACSRectangleProfile
using CCPACSRelativeStrutPosition = generated::CPACSRelativeStrutPosition
using CCPACSRivet = generated::CPACSRivet
using CCPACSRivets = generated::CPACSRivets
using CCPACSRotorcraft = generated::CPACSRotorcraft
using CCPACSSeatElement = generated::CPACSSeatElement
using CCPACSSeatElements = generated::CPACSSeatElements
using CCPACSSeatModules = generated::CPACSSeatModules
using CCPACSSheet = generated::CPACSSheet
using CCPACSSheet3D = generated::CPACSSheet3D
using CCPACSSheetBasedStructuralElement = generated::CPACSSheetBasedStructuralElement
using CCPACSSheetBasedStructuralElements = generated::CPACSSheetBasedStructuralElements
using CCPACSSheetList3D = generated::CPACSSheetList3D
using CCPACSSheetPoints = generated::CPACSSheetPoints
using CCPACSSideStruts = generated::CPACSSideStruts
using CCPACSSidewallPanelElements = generated::CPACSSidewallPanelElements
using CCPACSSkinSegments = generated::CPACSSkinSegments
using CCPACSSparCell = generated::CPACSSparCell
using CCPACSSparCells = generated::CPACSSparCells
using CCPACSSparCrossSection = generated::CPACSSparCrossSection
using CCPACSStandardProfile = generated::CPACSStandardProfile
using CCPACSStringerFramePositionUIDs = generated::CPACSStringerFramePositionUIDs
using CCPACSStructuralElements = generated::CPACSStructuralElements
using CCPACSStructuralProfile = generated::CPACSStructuralProfile
using CCPACSStructuralProfile3D = generated::CPACSStructuralProfile3D
using CCPACSStructuralWallElement = generated::CPACSStructuralWallElement
using CCPACSStructuralWallElements = generated::CPACSStructuralWallElements
using CCPACSStrut = generated::CPACSStrut
using CCPACSStrutAssembly = generated::CPACSStrutAssembly
using CCPACSStrutProperties = generated::CPACSStrutProperties
using CCPACSSuperEllipseProfile = generated::CPACSSuperEllipseProfile
using CCPACSSupportBeam = generated::CPACSSupportBeam
using CCPACSTrackActuator = generated::CPACSTrackActuator
using CCPACSTrackJointCoordinates = generated::CPACSTrackJointCoordinates
using CCPACSTrackJointPosition = generated::CPACSTrackJointPosition
using CCPACSTrackJointPositions = generated::CPACSTrackJointPositions
using CCPACSTrackSecondaryStructure = generated::CPACSTrackSecondaryStructure
using CCPACSTrackStructure = generated::CPACSTrackStructure
using CCPACSTrackStrut = generated::CPACSTrackStrut
using CCPACSTrackStruts = generated::CPACSTrackStruts
using CCPACSTransformation2D = generated::CPACSTransformation2D
using CCPACSUIDSequence = generated::CPACSUIDSequence
using CCPACSVehicleConfiguration = generated::CPACSVehicleConfiguration
using CCPACSVehicleConfigurations = generated::CPACSVehicleConfigurations
using CCPACSVehicles = generated::CPACSVehicles
using CCPACSVersionInfo = generated::CPACSVersionInfo
using CCPACSVersionInfos = generated::CPACSVersionInfos
using CCPACSWallPositions = generated::CPACSWallPositions
using CCPACSWallPositionUIDs = generated::CPACSWallPositionUIDs
using CCPACSWallSegments = generated::CPACSWallSegments
using CCPACSWeb = generated::CPACSWeb
using CCPACSWheel = generated::CPACSWheel
using CCPACSWindows = generated::CPACSWindows
using CCPACSWingAttachmentPositioning = generated::CPACSWingAttachmentPositioning
using CCPACSWingRibCell = generated::CPACSWingRibCell
using CCPACSWingRibPoint = generated::CPACSWingRibPoint
using CCPACSWingSkin = generated::CPACSWingSkin
typedef PTiglWingProfileAlgo(* CreateProfileAlgoCallback) (const CCPACSWingProfile &profile, const std::string &cpacsPath)
using ECPACSAtmosphericModel = generated::CPACSAtmosphericModel
using ECPACSAxle_sideOfFirstWheel = generated::CPACSAxle_sideOfFirstWheel
using ECPACSCargoContainerElement_contour = generated::CPACSCargoContainerElement_contour
using ECPACSContinuity = generated::CPACSContinuity
using ECPACSContinuityAtP = generated::CPACSContinuityAtP
using ECPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackSubType = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackSubType
using ECPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackType = generated::CPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackType
using ECPACSDoorAssemblyPosition_doorType = generated::CPACSDoorAssemblyPosition_doorType
using ECPACSGenericSystem_geometricBaseType = generated::CPACSGenericSystem_geometricBaseType
using ECPACSGuideCurve_continuity = generated::CPACSGuideCurve_continuity
using ECPACSInterpolation = generated::CPACSInterpolation
using ECPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep_stepType = generated::CPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep_stepType
using ECPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep_stepType = generated::CPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep_stepType
using ECPACSLateralCap_placement = generated::CPACSLateralCap_placement
using ECPACSLinkToFileType_format = generated::CPACSLinkToFileType_format
using ECPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased_standardProfileSheetID = generated::CPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased_standardProfileSheetID
using ECPACSPointPerformanceDefinition_typeOfPointPerformance = generated::CPACSPointPerformanceDefinition_typeOfPointPerformance
using ECPACSProfileBasedStructuralElement_standardProfileType = generated::CPACSProfileBasedStructuralElement_standardProfileType
using ECPACSProfileGeometry2DType_symmetry = generated::CPACSProfileGeometry2DType_symmetry
using ECPACSRelationalOperator = generated::CPACSRelationalOperator
using ECPACSRibCrossingBehaviour = generated::CPACSRibCrossingBehaviour
using ECPACSRotor_type = generated::CPACSRotor_type
using ECPACSRotorHubHinge_type = generated::CPACSRotorHubHinge_type
using ECPACSTrackJointCoordinates_name = generated::CPACSTrackJointCoordinates_name
using ECPACSTrackStrut_name = generated::CPACSTrackStrut_name
typedef std::vector< const CCPACSMaterialDefinition * > MaterialList
using ParamMap = std::map< unsigned int, double >
typedef class CSharedPtr< CTiglPointPCTiglPoint
typedef CSharedPtr< CTiglCADExporterPTiglCADExporter
typedef CSharedPtr< ITiglCADImporterPTiglCADImporter
typedef CSharedPtr< CTiglFusePlanePTiglFusePlane
typedef class CSharedPtr< ITiglLoggerPTiglLogger
typedef CSharedPtr< ITiglWingProfileAlgoPTiglWingProfileAlgo
typedef std::map< const std::string, CTiglRelativelyPositionedComponent * > RelativeComponentContainerType
typedef std::vector< CCPACSWingSegment * > SegmentList
typedef std::map< const std::string, ITiglGeometricComponent * > ShapeContainerType
typedef math_Matrix tiglMatrix
typedef math_Vector tiglVector
template<typename T >
using unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr< T >


enum  ComponentTraingMode { NO_INFO, SEGMENT_INFO }
enum  ConcatDir { ConcatDir::u, ConcatDir::v }
enum  ECPACSTranslationType { ABS_LOCAL, ABS_GLOBAL }
enum  ETiglContinuity { _C0, _C1 }
enum  FaceNameSettings { UIDOnly, FaceNameOnly, UIDandFaceName, None }
enum  SurfaceDirection { SurfaceDirection::u, SurfaceDirection::v, SurfaceDirection::both }
enum  TiglFarFieldType {
enum  TiglRotorHubType {
enum  TiglRotorType {


template<class T >
any_cast (const any &any)
TopoDS_Shape ApplyWingTransformation (const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure, const TopoDS_Shape &shape)
void ApplyXRotationToUpVector (double angle, gp_Vec &upVec, const gp_Vec &ribDir)
TIGL_EXPORT double bernstein_poly (int i, int n, double x)
 Computes the values of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double bernstein_poly_deriv (int k, int i, int n, double x)
 Computes the values of the k-th derivative of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x. More...
TIGL_EXPORT int binom (int n, int k)
 Computes the binomial coefficient (n,k) More...
TIGL_EXPORT math_Vector cheb_approx (MathFunc1d &func, int N, double a, double b)
 Chebycheff approximation of a function f(x), x in [a,b]. More...
TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix cheb_to_monomial (int N)
 Computes the chebycheff to monomial transformation matrix. More...
void CheckSparPositionOnReference (const std::string &sparPositionUID, const std::string &ribReference, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
TIGL_EXPORT double class_function (const double &N1, const double &N2, const double &x)
 defines the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve More...
TIGL_EXPORT double class_function_deriv (const double &N1, const double &N2, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve More...
TIGL_EXPORT void ComponentGetBoundingBox (const CCPACSConfiguration &config, const std::string &uid, CTiglPoint &min, CTiglPoint &max)
 Computes the bounding box coordinates of the specified component. More...
TIGL_EXPORT const CCPACSWingComponentSegmentComponentSegment (const CCPACSControlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdge &)
const CCPACSWingComponentSegmentComponentSegment (const CCPACSControlSurfaceWingCutOut &)
TIGL_EXPORT const CCPACSWingComponentSegmentComponentSegment (const CCPACSTrailingEdgeDevice &)
TIGL_EXPORT CCPACSWingComponentSegmentComponentSegment (CCPACSTrailingEdgeDevice &)
TIGL_EXPORT double computeRibEtaValue (const CTiglWingStructureReference &wsr, const CCPACSWingRibsDefinition &rib, int ribIndex, double xsi)
 Computes the eta value of a rib at the passed xsi position. More...
TIGL_EXPORT EtaXsi computeRibSparIntersectionEtaXsi (const CTiglWingStructureReference &wsr, const CCPACSWingRibsDefinition &rib, int ribIndex, const CCPACSWingSparSegment &spar)
 Computes the eta/xsi value of the intersection point of a rib and a spar. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double computeSparXsiValue (const CTiglWingStructureReference &wsr, const CCPACSWingSparSegment &spar, double eta)
 Computes the xsi value of a spar at the passed eta position. More...
TIGL_EXPORT void ConfigurationGetBoundingBox (const CCPACSConfiguration &config, CTiglPoint &min, CTiglPoint &max)
 Computes the bounding box of the whole aircraft. More...
PTiglCADExporter createExporter (const std::string &filetype, const ExporterOptions &options=DefaultExporterOption())
TIGL_EXPORT double cstcurve (const double &N1, const double &N2, const std::vector< double > &B, const double &T, const double &x)
 defines the CST air profile curve according to "CST" Universal Paramteric Geometry Representation Method with Applications to Supersonic Aircraft, B.M. Kulfan 2007 More...
TIGL_EXPORT double cstcurve_deriv (const double &N1, const double &N2, const std::vector< double > &B, const double &T, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the CST air profile curve CST(psi)=C(psi)*S(psi) More...
TopoDS_Wire CutFaceWithSpar (TopoDS_Shape &ribCutFace, const TopoDS_Shape &sparGeometry, double bboxSize, TopoDS_Wire &changedWire, const TopoDS_Wire &wire2, const gp_Vec &upVec)
TopoDS_Shape CutShapeWithSpars (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
TIGL_EXPORT void DiagonalizeMatrixByJacobi (const tiglMatrix &M, tiglMatrix &D, tiglMatrix &V)
 Diagonalize the given matrix using the jacobi method. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double distance_point_from_line (const CTiglPoint &P, const CTiglPoint &X0, const CTiglPoint &DX)
 Calculates the distance of a point P from the line defined by a point X0 and direction DX. More...
TIGL_EXPORT ValueWithDerivative distancePlanePoint_deriv (gp_Dir planeNormal, gp_Vec planeNormal_deriv, gp_Pnt pointOnPlane, gp_Vec pointOnPlane_deriv, gp_Pnt p)
 Computes the distance of a point to a plane All parameters _deriv are forward differences to compute gradients. More...
void dumpShape (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const std::string &outputDir, const std::string &filename, int counter=-1)
std::string ECPACSTranslationTypeToString (const ECPACSTranslationType &value)
TIGL_EXPORT int factorial (int n)
 Computes the factorial n! in a non recursive fashion. More...
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint FindOrthogonalVectorToDirection (CTiglPoint direction)
template<class ForwardIterator , class UnaryPredicate >
void follow_sort (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, UnaryPredicate follows)
template<class to_value >
void from_string (const std::string &s, to_value &t)
void from_string< bool > (const std::string &s, bool &t)
void from_string< FaceNameSettings > (const std::string &s, FaceNameSettings &t)
void from_string< ShapeGroupMode > (const std::string &s, ShapeGroupMode &t)
double GetBoundingBoxSize (const TopoDS_Shape &shape)
ExporterOptionsgetExportConfig (const std::string &filetype)
TIGL_EXPORT std::string getLogLevelString (TiglLogLevel level)
gp_Pnt GetReferencePoint (const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure, const std::string &reference, double currentEta)
gp_Pnt GetRibDefinitionPoint (const std::string &definition, const TopoDS_Face &ribCutFace, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
double GetRibReferenceLength (const std::string &reference, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
TIGL_EXPORT gp_Pnt getSectionElementChordlinePoint (const CCPACSWingComponentSegment &cs, const std::string &sectionElementUID, double xsi)
 Returns the chordline point of the section element at the passed xsi value. More...
std::vector< tigl::CCPACSWingSegment * > getSortedSegments (const CCPACSWingComponentSegment &cs)
gp_Pnt GetSparMidplanePoint (const CCPACSWingSparPosition &sparPos, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
gp_Vec GetUpVectorWithoutXRotation (const std::string &ribReference, double currentEta, const gp_Pnt &startPnt, bool onSpar, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
TIGL_EXPORT double Interpolate (const std::vector< double > &xdata, const std::vector< double > &ydata, double x)
TIGL_EXPORT void InterpolateXsi (const std::string &refUID1, const EtaXsi &etaXsi1, const std::string &refUID2, const EtaXsi &etaXsi2, const std::string &targetUID, double eta, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr, double &xsi, double &errorDistance)
 Interpolates the xsi coordinate given an eta coordinate of a target segment or target component segment and a straight line defined by two points. More...
TIGL_EXPORT std::vector< CurveIntersectionResultIntersectBSplines (const Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) curve1, const Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) curve2, double tolerance=1e-5)
 Computes all intersections of 2 B-Splines curves. More...
TIGL_EXPORT bool isNear (double a, double b, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
bool IsOuterSparPointInSection (const std::string &sparUid, double eta, const CCPACSWingCSStructure &structure)
TIGL_EXPORT bool IsRotationMatrix (const tiglMatrix &R)
 Return true if the matrix is a proper rotation. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args>
auto make_unique (Args &&... args) -> std::unique_ptr< T >
TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix monimial_to_bezier (int N)
 Monomial to Bernstein conversion matrix. More...
TIGL_EXPORT void normalize (gp_Vec &v, gp_Vec &v_deriv)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation operator * (const CTiglTransformation &a, const CTiglTransformation &b)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint operator * (const CTiglTransformation &m, const CTiglPoint &p)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation operator * (double s, const CTiglTransformation &a)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation operator+ (const CTiglTransformation &a, const CTiglTransformation &b)
TIGL_EXPORT bool PointIsInfrontSparGeometry (gp_Dir normal, gp_Pnt point, TopoDS_Shape sparGeometry)
TIGL_EXPORT void PolarDecomposition (tiglMatrix const &A, tiglMatrix &U, tiglMatrix &P)
 A function that calculates the polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix A. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double pow_deriv (double x, double k, int n)
 Computes the nth derivative of x^k. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double pow_int (double x, int n)
 Computes the power x^n. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double quadrilateral_area (const CTiglPoint &A, const CTiglPoint &B, const CTiglPoint &C, const CTiglPoint &D)
 Calculated the area of a quadrilateral defined by the 4 corner points A,B,C,D. More...
TIGL_EXPORT tiglMatrix readMatrix (const std::string &filename)
template<class ForwardIterator >
void rotate_right (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator last)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint RotMatrixToIntrinsicXYZVector (const tiglMatrix &R)
 Return the intrinsic x y' z'' rotation vector of the rotation matrix. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double shape_function (const std::vector< double > &B, const double &x)
 defines the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double shape_function_deriv (const std::vector< double > &B, const int &n, const double &x)
 defines the derivative of the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double SnapAngle (double degrees, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint SnapRotation (CTiglPoint rotation, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double * SnapRotation (double rotation[3], double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double SnapUnitInterval (double number, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint SnapUnitInterval (CTiglPoint scaling, double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double * SnapUnitInterval (double scaling[3], double epsilon=Precision::Confusion())
TIGL_EXPORT double SnapValue (double number, double snapValue, double delta=Precision::Confusion())
std::vector< std::string > split_string (const std::string &mystring, char delimiter)
template<typename T >
std::string std_to_string (T value)
TIGL_EXPORT std::vector< double > stringToDoubleVec (const std::string &s)
ECPACSTranslationType stringToECPACSTranslationType (const std::string &value)
TiglFarFieldType stringToTiglFarFieldType (const std::string &value)
TiglRotorHubType stringToTiglRotorHubType (const std::string &value)
TiglSymmetryAxis stringToTiglSymmetryAxis (const std::string &value)
TIGL_EXPORT void SVD (tiglMatrix const &A, tiglMatrix &U, tiglMatrix &S, tiglMatrix &V)
std::string TiglFarFieldTypeToString (const TiglFarFieldType &value)
std::string TiglRotorHubTypeToString (const TiglRotorHubType &value)
std::string TiglSymmetryAxisToString (const TiglSymmetryAxis &value)
std::string to_lower (const std::string &str)
std::string to_upper (const std::string &str)
TIGL_EXPORT double transformEtaToCSOrTed (const CCPACSEtaIsoLine &eta, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr)
TIGL_EXPORT double transformEtaToCSOrTed (double eta, const std::string &referenceUid, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr)
TIGL_EXPORT EtaXsi transformEtaXsiToCSOrTed (EtaXsi etaXsi, const std::string &referenceUid, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr)
TIGL_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape transformFuselageProfileGeometry (const CTiglTransformation &fuselTransform, const CTiglFuselageConnection &connection, const TopoDS_Shape &shape)
TIGL_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape transformWingProfileGeometry (const CTiglTransformation &wingTransform, const CTiglWingConnection &connection, const TopoDS_Shape &wire)
 Transforms a shape in profile coordinates to world coordinates. More...
TIGL_EXPORT double transformXsiToCSOrTed (const CCPACSXsiIsoLine &xsi, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr)
TIGL_EXPORT double transformXsiToCSOrTed (double xsi, const std::string &referenceUid, const CTiglUIDManager &uidMgr)
TIGL_EXPORT std::string typeName (const std::type_info &ti)
template<typename T >
std::string typeName ()
template<typename FordwardIter >
std::string vecToString (FordwardIter begin, FordwardIter end, const char sep)
TIGL_EXPORT int WingRibPointGetRibNumber (const generated::CPACSWingRibPoint &)
TIGL_EXPORT std::string WingSparPosGetElementUID (const CCPACSWingSparPosition &)
 If the spar position is on a section element, the element uid is returned. More...
TIGL_EXPORT void writeMatrix (const tiglMatrix &x, const std::string &filename)
 Stores the field to a file in binary form Note: this is not portable. The result will be different on varying platforms. More...


static const CreateIfNotExistsTag CreateIfNotExists = CreateIfNotExistsTag()

Detailed Description

The CTiglShapeCache class acts as a storage for all kinds of intermediate shape results in order to improve speed of reoccurent calculations.

The registry allows classes to enrigster class functions, that should be run automatically after loading TiGL. This mechanism can be used e.g. to register classes at class factories.

In order to make use of the mechanism, implement an AUTOSTART function inside the classes cpp file i.e.:


AUTORUN(MyClass) { // your code here return true; }

Then, this autorun function has to be registered inside the registry. This is done by placing REGISTER_TYPE(MyClass) inside CTiglTypeRegistry.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CCPACSAircraft

◆ CCPACSAircraftControlElement

◆ CCPACSAircraftControlElements

◆ CCPACSAlignmentCrossBeam

◆ CCPACSAlignmentStringFrame

◆ CCPACSAlignmentStructMember


◆ CCPACSAxleAssemblies

◆ CCPACSAxleAssembly

◆ CCPACSBeamCrossSection

◆ CCPACSBeamStiffness


◆ CCPACSBoundingBox

◆ CCPACSBoundingElementUIDs


◆ CCPACSCargoContainerElement

◆ CCPACSCargoContainerElements

◆ CCPACSCargoDoorsAssembly

◆ CCPACSCeilingPanelElements

◆ CCPACSClassDividerElements

◆ CCPACSCompartment

◆ CCPACSCompartmentGeometry

◆ CCPACSCompartments

◆ CCPACSComposite

◆ CCPACSCompositeLayer

◆ CCPACSComposites

◆ CCPACSContourReference

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceAirfoil

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceContours

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceHingePoint

◆ CCPACSControlSurfacePath

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOut

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceSkinCutOutBorder

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceStep

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceSteps

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceTracks

◆ CCPACSControlSurfaceTrackType


◆ CCPACSCurveProfiles


◆ CCPACSCutOutControlPoint

◆ CCPACSCutOutControlPoints

◆ CCPACSCutOutProfile

◆ CCPACSCutOutProfiles

◆ CCPACSDeckComponent2DBase

◆ CCPACSDeckElementBase

◆ CCPACSDeckElementGeometry

◆ CCPACSDeckElementMass

◆ CCPACSDeckElements

◆ CCPACSDeckStructuralMount

◆ CCPACSDeckStructuralMounts

◆ CCPACSDoorCutOut

◆ CCPACSDoorSurroundStructurePosition

◆ CCPACSDoorSurroundStructuresAssembly

◆ CCPACSDoubleConstraintBase

◆ CCPACSEngine

◆ CCPACSEngineNacelle

◆ CCPACSEnvironment

◆ CCPACSEtaXsiRelHeightPoint

◆ CCPACSFlightPoints

◆ CCPACSGalleyElement

◆ CCPACSGalleyElements

◆ CCPACSGenericFloorElements

◆ CCPACSGenericGeometryComponent

◆ CCPACSGlobalBeamProperties

◆ CCPACSGlobalFlightPoint

◆ CCPACSGlobalPerformanceCases

◆ CCPACSHeader

◆ CCPACSInternalPressure

◆ CCPACSInternalPressures

◆ CCPACSLandingGearBase

◆ CCPACSLandingGearBrakingState

◆ CCPACSLandingGearComponentAssembly

◆ CCPACSLandingGearControl

◆ CCPACSLandingGearControlFunctions

◆ CCPACSLandingGearExtensionFunction

◆ CCPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep

◆ CCPACSLandingGears

◆ CCPACSLandingGearSteeringFunction

◆ CCPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep

◆ CCPACSLandingGearStrutAttachment

◆ CCPACSLandingGearSupportBeamPosition

◆ CCPACSLateralCap

◆ CCPACSLavatoryElements

◆ CCPACSLeadingEdgeHollow

◆ CCPACSLeadingEdgeShape

◆ CCPACSLinkToFile

◆ CCPACSLuggageCompartmentElements

◆ CCPACSMainActuator

◆ CCPACSMassInertia

◆ CCPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased

◆ CCPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBasedPoint

◆ CCPACSMaterials

◆ CCPACSNacelleGuideCurve

◆ CCPACSNacelleProfiles

◆ CCPACSOuterCutOutProfile

◆ CCPACSPintleStruts

◆ CCPACSPiston

◆ CCPACSPointList

◆ CCPACSPointPerformanceConstraints

◆ CCPACSPointPerformanceDefinition

◆ CCPACSPointPerformanceDefinitions

◆ CCPACSPointPerformanceRequirements





◆ CCPACSPosExcl0DoubleBase

◆ CCPACSPosExcl0IntBase

◆ CCPACSProfileBasedStructuralElements

◆ CCPACSProfileGeometry

◆ CCPACSRectangleProfile

◆ CCPACSRelativeStrutPosition


◆ CCPACSRivets

◆ CCPACSRotorcraft

◆ CCPACSSeatElement

◆ CCPACSSeatElements

◆ CCPACSSeatModules



◆ CCPACSSheetBasedStructuralElement

◆ CCPACSSheetBasedStructuralElements

◆ CCPACSSheetList3D

◆ CCPACSSheetPoints

◆ CCPACSSideStruts

◆ CCPACSSidewallPanelElements

◆ CCPACSSkinSegments

◆ CCPACSSparCell

◆ CCPACSSparCells

◆ CCPACSSparCrossSection

◆ CCPACSStandardProfile

◆ CCPACSStringerFramePositionUIDs

◆ CCPACSStructuralElements

◆ CCPACSStructuralProfile

◆ CCPACSStructuralProfile3D

◆ CCPACSStructuralWallElement

◆ CCPACSStructuralWallElements


◆ CCPACSStrutAssembly

◆ CCPACSStrutProperties

◆ CCPACSSuperEllipseProfile

◆ CCPACSSupportBeam

◆ CCPACSTrackActuator

◆ CCPACSTrackJointCoordinates

◆ CCPACSTrackJointPosition

◆ CCPACSTrackJointPositions

◆ CCPACSTrackSecondaryStructure

◆ CCPACSTrackStructure

◆ CCPACSTrackStrut

◆ CCPACSTrackStruts

◆ CCPACSTransformation2D


◆ CCPACSVehicleConfiguration

◆ CCPACSVehicleConfigurations

◆ CCPACSVehicles

◆ CCPACSVersionInfo

◆ CCPACSVersionInfos

◆ CCPACSWallPositions

◆ CCPACSWallPositionUIDs

◆ CCPACSWallSegments



◆ CCPACSWindows

◆ CCPACSWingAttachmentPositioning

◆ CCPACSWingRibCell

◆ CCPACSWingRibPoint

◆ CCPACSWingSkin

◆ CreateProfileAlgoCallback

typedef PTiglWingProfileAlgo(* tigl::CreateProfileAlgoCallback) (const CCPACSWingProfile &profile, const std::string &cpacsPath)

◆ ECPACSAtmosphericModel

◆ ECPACSAxle_sideOfFirstWheel

◆ ECPACSCargoContainerElement_contour

◆ ECPACSContinuity

◆ ECPACSContinuityAtP

◆ ECPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackSubType

◆ ECPACSControlSurfaceTrackType_trackType

◆ ECPACSDoorAssemblyPosition_doorType

◆ ECPACSGenericSystem_geometricBaseType

◆ ECPACSGuideCurve_continuity

◆ ECPACSInterpolation

◆ ECPACSLandingGearExtensionFunctionStep_stepType

◆ ECPACSLandingGearSteeringFunctionStep_stepType

◆ ECPACSLateralCap_placement

◆ ECPACSLinkToFileType_format

◆ ECPACSMaterialDefinitionForProfileBased_standardProfileSheetID

◆ ECPACSPointPerformanceDefinition_typeOfPointPerformance

◆ ECPACSProfileBasedStructuralElement_standardProfileType

◆ ECPACSProfileGeometry2DType_symmetry

◆ ECPACSRelationalOperator

◆ ECPACSRibCrossingBehaviour

◆ ECPACSRotor_type

◆ ECPACSRotorHubHinge_type

◆ ECPACSTrackJointCoordinates_name

◆ ECPACSTrackStrut_name

◆ MaterialList

typedef std::vector<const CCPACSMaterialDefinition*> tigl::MaterialList

◆ ParamMap

using tigl::ParamMap = typedef std::map<unsigned int, double>

◆ PCTiglPoint

◆ PTiglCADExporter

◆ PTiglCADImporter

◆ PTiglFusePlane

◆ PTiglLogger

◆ PTiglWingProfileAlgo

◆ RelativeComponentContainerType

◆ SegmentList

typedef std::vector<CCPACSWingSegment*> tigl::SegmentList

◆ ShapeContainerType

typedef std::map<const std::string, ITiglGeometricComponent*> tigl::ShapeContainerType

◆ tiglMatrix

typedef math_Matrix tigl::tiglMatrix

◆ tiglVector

typedef math_Vector tigl::tiglVector

◆ unique_ptr

template<typename T >
using tigl::unique_ptr = typedef std::unique_ptr<T>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ComponentTraingMode


◆ ConcatDir

enum tigl::ConcatDir

◆ ECPACSTranslationType


◆ ETiglContinuity


◆ FaceNameSettings


◆ SegmentType


◆ ShapeGroupMode


Inserts the shape as it is into IGES/STEP. All faces will be named correctly but they will not be grouped by name


Collects all faces with the same origin into compounds. All faces are named correctly Exports each face as its own group. The group name and the face name are identical

◆ SurfaceDirection


◆ TiglFarFieldType


◆ TiglFuseResultMode


◆ TiglRotorHingeType


◆ TiglRotorHubType


◆ TiglRotorType


Function Documentation

◆ any_cast()

template<class T >
T tigl::any_cast ( const any any)

◆ ApplyWingTransformation()

TopoDS_Shape tigl::ApplyWingTransformation ( const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure,
const TopoDS_Shape &  shape 

◆ ApplyXRotationToUpVector()

void tigl::ApplyXRotationToUpVector ( double  angle,
gp_Vec &  upVec,
const gp_Vec &  ribDir 

◆ bernstein_poly()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::bernstein_poly ( int  i,
int  n,
double  x 

Computes the values of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x.

iNumber of the polynome with 0 <= i <= n
nDegree of the polynome, n > 0
xValue the polynom should be evaluated at (normally 0 <= x <= 1, but not necessarily)

◆ bernstein_poly_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::bernstein_poly_deriv ( int  k,
int  i,
int  n,
double  x 

Computes the values of the k-th derivative of the i-th bernstein polynome with degree n at position x.

kOrder of derivative
iNumber of the polynome with 0 <= i <= n
nDegree of the polynome, n > 0
xValue the polynom should be evaluated at (normally 0 <= x <= 1, but not necessarily)

◆ binom()

TIGL_EXPORT int tigl::binom ( int  n,
int  k 

Computes the binomial coefficient (n,k)

◆ cheb_approx()

TIGL_EXPORT math_Vector tigl::cheb_approx ( MathFunc1d func,
int  N,
double  a,
double  b 

Chebycheff approximation of a function f(x), x in [a,b].

CTiglError(TIGL_MATH_ERROR) if N <= 0
funcThe 1D function to approximate
NNumber of function evaluations ( = polynomial degree + 1)
aFirst parameter of the function to approximate
bLast parameter of the function to approximate
Chebycheff coefficients

◆ cheb_to_monomial()

TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix tigl::cheb_to_monomial ( int  N)

Computes the chebycheff to monomial transformation matrix.

Use this NxN matrix to translate chebychev coefficients into monomial coefficients of polynomes.

NDimension of the matrix

◆ CheckSparPositionOnReference()

void tigl::CheckSparPositionOnReference ( const std::string &  sparPositionUID,
const std::string &  ribReference,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ class_function()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::class_function ( const double &  N1,
const double &  N2,
const double &  x 

defines the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve

◆ class_function_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::class_function_deriv ( const double &  N1,
const double &  N2,
const int &  n,
const double &  x 

defines the derivative of the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 for a CST air profile curve

◆ ComponentGetBoundingBox()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::ComponentGetBoundingBox ( const CCPACSConfiguration config,
const std::string &  uid,
CTiglPoint min,
CTiglPoint max 

Computes the bounding box coordinates of the specified component.

◆ ComponentSegment() [1/4]

◆ ComponentSegment() [2/4]

const CCPACSWingComponentSegment& tigl::ComponentSegment ( const CCPACSControlSurfaceWingCutOut )

◆ ComponentSegment() [3/4]

TIGL_EXPORT const CCPACSWingComponentSegment& tigl::ComponentSegment ( const CCPACSTrailingEdgeDevice )

◆ ComponentSegment() [4/4]

◆ computeRibEtaValue()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::computeRibEtaValue ( const CTiglWingStructureReference wsr,
const CCPACSWingRibsDefinition rib,
int  ribIndex,
double  xsi 

Computes the eta value of a rib at the passed xsi position.

◆ computeRibSparIntersectionEtaXsi()

TIGL_EXPORT EtaXsi tigl::computeRibSparIntersectionEtaXsi ( const CTiglWingStructureReference wsr,
const CCPACSWingRibsDefinition rib,
int  ribIndex,
const CCPACSWingSparSegment spar 

Computes the eta/xsi value of the intersection point of a rib and a spar.

◆ computeSparXsiValue()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::computeSparXsiValue ( const CTiglWingStructureReference wsr,
const CCPACSWingSparSegment spar,
double  eta 

Computes the xsi value of a spar at the passed eta position.

◆ ConfigurationGetBoundingBox()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::ConfigurationGetBoundingBox ( const CCPACSConfiguration config,
CTiglPoint min,
CTiglPoint max 

Computes the bounding box of the whole aircraft.

◆ createExporter()

PTiglCADExporter tigl::createExporter ( const std::string &  filetype,
const ExporterOptions options = DefaultExporterOption() 

◆ cstcurve()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::cstcurve ( const double &  N1,
const double &  N2,
const std::vector< double > &  B,
const double &  T,
const double &  x 

defines the CST air profile curve according to "CST" Universal Paramteric Geometry Representation Method with Applications to Supersonic Aircraft, B.M. Kulfan 2007


N1, N2 are the parameters of the class function C(psi) = psi^N1 * (1-psi)^N2 B is the vector of coefficients for the bernstein polynomials P_i^n(psi) T is the trailing edge thickness inside the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * p_i^n(psi) The order of the Bernstein polynomials N is defined by the length of the B vector

◆ cstcurve_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::cstcurve_deriv ( const double &  N1,
const double &  N2,
const std::vector< double > &  B,
const double &  T,
const int &  n,
const double &  x 

defines the derivative of the CST air profile curve CST(psi)=C(psi)*S(psi)

◆ CutFaceWithSpar()

TopoDS_Wire tigl::CutFaceWithSpar ( TopoDS_Shape &  ribCutFace,
const TopoDS_Shape &  sparGeometry,
double  bboxSize,
TopoDS_Wire &  changedWire,
const TopoDS_Wire &  wire2,
const gp_Vec &  upVec 

◆ CutShapeWithSpars()

TopoDS_Shape tigl::CutShapeWithSpars ( const TopoDS_Shape &  shape,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ DiagonalizeMatrixByJacobi()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::DiagonalizeMatrixByJacobi ( const tiglMatrix M,
tiglMatrix D,
tiglMatrix V 

Diagonalize the given matrix using the jacobi method.

The symmetric input matrix, M, is decomposed into V,an improper rotation, and D, a diagonal matrix. We have M = V^T*D*V.Transposed The value of the diagonal D is the eigenvalues of M and the columns of V are the the normalized eigenvectors

This method works only for real symmetric matrix.
Mthe 3X3 matrix to decompose
Dthe 3x3 diagonal result matrix
Vthe 3X3 improper rotation result matrix

◆ distance_point_from_line()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::distance_point_from_line ( const CTiglPoint P,
const CTiglPoint X0,
const CTiglPoint DX 

Calculates the distance of a point P from the line defined by a point X0 and direction DX.

◆ distancePlanePoint_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT ValueWithDerivative tigl::distancePlanePoint_deriv ( gp_Dir  planeNormal,
gp_Vec  planeNormal_deriv,
gp_Pnt  pointOnPlane,
gp_Vec  pointOnPlane_deriv,
gp_Pnt  p 

Computes the distance of a point to a plane All parameters _deriv are forward differences to compute gradients.

planeNormalNormal of the plane
pointOnPlanePoint on the plane
pA point, which distance to the plane has to be computed

◆ dumpShape()

void tigl::dumpShape ( const TopoDS_Shape &  shape,
const std::string &  outputDir,
const std::string &  filename,
int  counter = -1 

◆ ECPACSTranslationTypeToString()

std::string tigl::ECPACSTranslationTypeToString ( const ECPACSTranslationType value)

◆ factorial()

TIGL_EXPORT int tigl::factorial ( int  n)

Computes the factorial n! in a non recursive fashion.

◆ FindOrthogonalVectorToDirection()

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::FindOrthogonalVectorToDirection ( CTiglPoint  direction)

Return a vector orthogonal to the direction


◆ follow_sort()

template<class ForwardIterator , class UnaryPredicate >
void tigl::follow_sort ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
UnaryPredicate  follows 

Sorts an array that contains a continuous number of entries, possible unordered

◆ from_string()

template<class to_value >
void tigl::from_string ( const std::string &  s,
to_value &  t 

◆ from_string< bool >()

void tigl::from_string< bool > ( const std::string &  s,
bool &  t 

◆ from_string< FaceNameSettings >()

void tigl::from_string< FaceNameSettings > ( const std::string &  s,
FaceNameSettings t 

◆ from_string< ShapeGroupMode >()

void tigl::from_string< ShapeGroupMode > ( const std::string &  s,
ShapeGroupMode t 

◆ GetBoundingBoxSize()

double tigl::GetBoundingBoxSize ( const TopoDS_Shape &  shape)

◆ getExportConfig()

ExporterOptions& tigl::getExportConfig ( const std::string &  filetype)

◆ getLogLevelString()

TIGL_EXPORT std::string tigl::getLogLevelString ( TiglLogLevel  level)

◆ GetReferencePoint()

gp_Pnt tigl::GetReferencePoint ( const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure,
const std::string &  reference,
double  currentEta 

◆ GetRibDefinitionPoint()

gp_Pnt tigl::GetRibDefinitionPoint ( const std::string &  definition,
const TopoDS_Face &  ribCutFace,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ GetRibReferenceLength()

double tigl::GetRibReferenceLength ( const std::string &  reference,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ getSectionElementChordlinePoint()

TIGL_EXPORT gp_Pnt tigl::getSectionElementChordlinePoint ( const CCPACSWingComponentSegment cs,
const std::string &  sectionElementUID,
double  xsi 

Returns the chordline point of the section element at the passed xsi value.

◆ getSortedSegments()

std::vector<tigl::CCPACSWingSegment*> tigl::getSortedSegments ( const CCPACSWingComponentSegment cs)

◆ GetSparMidplanePoint()

gp_Pnt tigl::GetSparMidplanePoint ( const CCPACSWingSparPosition sparPos,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ GetUpVectorWithoutXRotation()

gp_Vec tigl::GetUpVectorWithoutXRotation ( const std::string &  ribReference,
double  currentEta,
const gp_Pnt &  startPnt,
bool  onSpar,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ Interpolate()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::Interpolate ( const std::vector< double > &  xdata,
const std::vector< double > &  ydata,
double  x 

Linear interpolation in of xdata<->ydata array at position x

◆ InterpolateXsi()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::InterpolateXsi ( const std::string &  refUID1,
const EtaXsi etaXsi1,
const std::string &  refUID2,
const EtaXsi etaXsi2,
const std::string &  targetUID,
double  eta,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr,
double &  xsi,
double &  errorDistance 

Interpolates the xsi coordinate given an eta coordinate of a target segment or target component segment and a straight line defined by two points.

  • the first point lying on one segment or component segment and the other one lying on another segment or component segment. There is no need that any of the refered segments or component segments coincide, nor that a segment has to be contained in a component segment.

All segments and component segments have to belong to one and the same wing.

refUID1Reference UID of the component referring to the first point
etaXsi1Eta / xsi coordinates of the first point
refUID2Reference UID of the component referring to the first point
etaXsi2Eta / xsi coordinates of the second point
targetUIDReference UID of the component referring to the target point
etaEta coordinate to interpolate

◆ IntersectBSplines()

TIGL_EXPORT std::vector<CurveIntersectionResult> tigl::IntersectBSplines ( const Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)  curve1,
const Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)  curve2,
double  tolerance = 1e-5 

Computes all intersections of 2 B-Splines curves.

An intersection is counted, whenever the two curves come closer than tolerance. If a whole interval is closes than tolerance, the nearest point in the interval is searched.

The function divides the input curves and checks, if their bounding boxes (convex hulls) intersect each other. If so, this process is repeated until the curve segment is almost a line segment. This result is used to locally optimize into a true minimum.

◆ isNear()

TIGL_EXPORT bool tigl::isNear ( double  a,
double  b,
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

Return true if the value of a is similar to b


◆ IsOuterSparPointInSection()

bool tigl::IsOuterSparPointInSection ( const std::string &  sparUid,
double  eta,
const CCPACSWingCSStructure structure 

◆ IsRotationMatrix()

TIGL_EXPORT bool tigl::IsRotationMatrix ( const tiglMatrix R)

Return true if the matrix is a proper rotation.

Check if the the matrix is orthogonal and if its determinant is 1.

R,the3x3 matrix to check
true or false

◆ make_unique()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
auto tigl::make_unique ( Args &&...  args) -> std::unique_ptr<T>

◆ monimial_to_bezier()

TIGL_EXPORT math_Matrix tigl::monimial_to_bezier ( int  N)

Monomial to Bernstein conversion matrix.

Use this NxN matrix to translate monimial coefficients into bezier coefficients (control points).

◆ normalize()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::normalize ( gp_Vec &  v,
gp_Vec &  v_deriv 

◆ operator *() [1/3]

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator * ( const CTiglTransformation a,
const CTiglTransformation b 

◆ operator *() [2/3]

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::operator * ( const CTiglTransformation m,
const CTiglPoint p 

◆ operator *() [3/3]

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator * ( double  s,
const CTiglTransformation a 

◆ operator+()

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator+ ( const CTiglTransformation a,
const CTiglTransformation b 

◆ PointIsInfrontSparGeometry()

TIGL_EXPORT bool tigl::PointIsInfrontSparGeometry ( gp_Dir  normal,
gp_Pnt  point,
TopoDS_Shape  sparGeometry 

Tests whether the test point is in front of the spar segment geometry or behind.

The reference axis is given in normal.

◆ PolarDecomposition()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::PolarDecomposition ( tiglMatrix const &  A,
tiglMatrix U,
tiglMatrix P 

A function that calculates the polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix A.

PolarDecomposition(A,U,P) calculates the polar decomposition U,P of the input matrix A, such that A = U x P, where U is a unitary matrix and P is a positive semi-definite Hermitian matrix. U can be interpreted as a rotation and P as a spatial scaling, possibly including off-diaogonal shearing terms

Ainput matrix
Uunitary matrix U
Phermitian matrix P

◆ pow_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::pow_deriv ( double  x,
double  k,
int  n 

Computes the nth derivative of x^k.

◆ pow_int()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::pow_int ( double  x,
int  n 

Computes the power x^n.


◆ quadrilateral_area()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::quadrilateral_area ( const CTiglPoint A,
const CTiglPoint B,
const CTiglPoint C,
const CTiglPoint D 

Calculated the area of a quadrilateral defined by the 4 corner points A,B,C,D.

◆ readMatrix()

TIGL_EXPORT tiglMatrix tigl::readMatrix ( const std::string &  filename)

◆ rotate_right()

template<class ForwardIterator >
void tigl::rotate_right ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  last 

◆ RotMatrixToIntrinsicXYZVector()

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::RotMatrixToIntrinsicXYZVector ( const tiglMatrix R)

Return the intrinsic x y' z'' rotation vector of the rotation matrix.

If the matrix is not a rotation matrix a waring is log, but no error is rise.
Rthe 3x3 rotation matrix
vector that contains x, y',z'' in degrees

◆ shape_function()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::shape_function ( const std::vector< double > &  B,
const double &  x 

defines the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials.

◆ shape_function_deriv()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::shape_function_deriv ( const std::vector< double > &  B,
const int &  n,
const double &  x 

defines the derivative of the shape function S(psi)=sum_i=1^N B_i * P_i^n(psi) for a CST air profile curve. The P_i^n are the Bernstein polynomials.

◆ SnapAngle()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapAngle ( double  degrees,
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

Format the number as a degree angle. This means that the return value is between ]-180,180] and the number is rounded up near the values 0, 90,180,-90.


◆ SnapRotation() [1/2]

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::SnapRotation ( CTiglPoint  rotation,
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

◆ SnapRotation() [2/2]

TIGL_EXPORT double* tigl::SnapRotation ( double  rotation[3],
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

◆ SnapUnitInterval() [1/3]

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapUnitInterval ( double  number,
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

Format the number for scale or length double value,. Simply, round up the number near the values: 0, 1, -1.


◆ SnapUnitInterval() [2/3]

TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::SnapUnitInterval ( CTiglPoint  scaling,
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

◆ SnapUnitInterval() [3/3]

TIGL_EXPORT double* tigl::SnapUnitInterval ( double  scaling[3],
double  epsilon = Precision::Confusion() 

◆ SnapValue()

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::SnapValue ( double  number,
double  snapValue,
double  delta = Precision::Confusion() 

Snaps up the value "number" up to "snapValue" iff fabs(number-snapValue) <= dela


◆ split_string()

std::vector<std::string> tigl::split_string ( const std::string &  mystring,
char  delimiter 

◆ std_to_string()

template<typename T >
std::string tigl::std_to_string ( value)

◆ stringToDoubleVec()

TIGL_EXPORT std::vector<double> tigl::stringToDoubleVec ( const std::string &  s)

◆ stringToECPACSTranslationType()

ECPACSTranslationType tigl::stringToECPACSTranslationType ( const std::string &  value)

◆ stringToTiglFarFieldType()

TiglFarFieldType tigl::stringToTiglFarFieldType ( const std::string &  value)

◆ stringToTiglRotorHubType()

TiglRotorHubType tigl::stringToTiglRotorHubType ( const std::string &  value)

◆ stringToTiglSymmetryAxis()

TiglSymmetryAxis tigl::stringToTiglSymmetryAxis ( const std::string &  value)

◆ SVD()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::SVD ( tiglMatrix const &  A,
tiglMatrix U,
tiglMatrix S,
tiglMatrix V 

◆ TiglFarFieldTypeToString()

std::string tigl::TiglFarFieldTypeToString ( const TiglFarFieldType value)

◆ TiglRotorHubTypeToString()

std::string tigl::TiglRotorHubTypeToString ( const TiglRotorHubType value)

◆ TiglSymmetryAxisToString()

std::string tigl::TiglSymmetryAxisToString ( const TiglSymmetryAxis value)

◆ to_lower()

std::string tigl::to_lower ( const std::string &  str)

◆ to_upper()

std::string tigl::to_upper ( const std::string &  str)

◆ transformEtaToCSOrTed() [1/2]

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::transformEtaToCSOrTed ( const CCPACSEtaIsoLine eta,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr 

Following are routines, that transform e.g. segment eta/xsi coordinates into the CS system or into TED system

◆ transformEtaToCSOrTed() [2/2]

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::transformEtaToCSOrTed ( double  eta,
const std::string &  referenceUid,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr 

◆ transformEtaXsiToCSOrTed()

TIGL_EXPORT EtaXsi tigl::transformEtaXsiToCSOrTed ( EtaXsi  etaXsi,
const std::string &  referenceUid,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr 

◆ transformFuselageProfileGeometry()

TIGL_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape tigl::transformFuselageProfileGeometry ( const CTiglTransformation fuselTransform,
const CTiglFuselageConnection connection,
const TopoDS_Shape &  shape 

◆ transformWingProfileGeometry()

TIGL_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape tigl::transformWingProfileGeometry ( const CTiglTransformation wingTransform,
const CTiglWingConnection connection,
const TopoDS_Shape &  wire 

Transforms a shape in profile coordinates to world coordinates.

◆ transformXsiToCSOrTed() [1/2]

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::transformXsiToCSOrTed ( const CCPACSXsiIsoLine xsi,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr 

◆ transformXsiToCSOrTed() [2/2]

TIGL_EXPORT double tigl::transformXsiToCSOrTed ( double  xsi,
const std::string &  referenceUid,
const CTiglUIDManager uidMgr 

◆ typeName() [1/2]

TIGL_EXPORT std::string tigl::typeName ( const std::type_info &  ti)

◆ typeName() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::string tigl::typeName ( )

◆ vecToString()

template<typename FordwardIter >
std::string tigl::vecToString ( FordwardIter  begin,
FordwardIter  end,
const char  sep 

◆ WingRibPointGetRibNumber()

TIGL_EXPORT int tigl::WingRibPointGetRibNumber ( const generated::CPACSWingRibPoint )

◆ WingSparPosGetElementUID()

TIGL_EXPORT std::string tigl::WingSparPosGetElementUID ( const CCPACSWingSparPosition )

If the spar position is on a section element, the element uid is returned.

◆ writeMatrix()

TIGL_EXPORT void tigl::writeMatrix ( const tiglMatrix x,
const std::string &  filename 

Stores the field to a file in binary form Note: this is not portable. The result will be different on varying platforms.

The corresponding read function should be used only on the same system

Variable Documentation

◆ CreateIfNotExists

const CreateIfNotExistsTag tigl::CreateIfNotExists = CreateIfNotExistsTag()