CTiglTransformation.h File Reference

Implementation of TIGL transformations. More...

#include "tigl_internal.h"
#include "CTiglLogging.h"
#include "CTiglPoint.h"
#include "gp_GTrsf.hxx"
#include "gp_Pnt.hxx"
#include "TopoDS.hxx"
#include "Geom_Surface.hxx"
#include "PNamedShape.h"
#include "tiglMatrix.h"

Data Structures

class  tigl::CTiglTransformation


 The CTiglShapeCache class acts as a storage for all kinds of intermediate shape results in order to improve speed of reoccurent calculations.


TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator * (const CTiglTransformation &a, const CTiglTransformation &b)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglPoint tigl::operator * (const CTiglTransformation &m, const CTiglPoint &p)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator * (double s, const CTiglTransformation &a)
TIGL_EXPORT CTiglTransformation tigl::operator+ (const CTiglTransformation &a, const CTiglTransformation &b)

Detailed Description

Implementation of TIGL transformations.