![]() |
Functions | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglControlSurfaceGetDeflection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *controlSurfaceUID, double *deflection) |
Returns the current value for the deflection of a control device. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglControlSurfaceGetMaximumDeflection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *controlSurfaceUID, double *maxDeflection) |
Returns the maximum value for the deflection of a control device. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglControlSurfaceGetMinimumDeflection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *controlSurfaceUID, double *minDeflection) |
Returns the minimum value for the deflection of a control device. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglControlSurfaceSetDeflection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *controlSurfaceUID, double deflection) |
Sets the current value for the deflection of a control device. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglGetControlSurfaceCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, int *numControlSurfaces) |
Returns the number of control surfaces belonging to a component segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglGetControlSurfaceType (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *controlSurfaceUID, TiglControlSurfaceType *controlSurfaceType) |
Returns the type of a control surface given its UID. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglGetControlSurfaceUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, int controlSurfaceIndex, char **controlSurfaceUID) |
Returns the UID of a control surface given its index in a component segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglGetWingCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int *wingCountPtr) |
Returns the number of wings in a CPACS configuration. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentComputeEtaIntersection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, double csEta1, double csXsi1, double csEta2, double csXsi2, double eta, double *xsi, TiglBoolean *hasWarning) |
Given a straight line in space defined by a pair of component segment (eta,xsi) coordinates, the function computes the intersection of the line with a component segment iso-eta line. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentFindSegment (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, double x, double y, double z, char **segmentUID, char **wingUID) |
Returns the segmentUID and wingUID for a given point on a componentSegment. The returned strings must not be freed by the user anymore. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentGetNumberOfSegments (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, int *nsegments) |
Returns the number of segments belonging to a component segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentGetPoint (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, double eta, double xsi, double *x, double *y, double *z) |
Returns x,y,z koordinates for a given eta and xsi on a componentSegment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentGetSegmentIntersection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, const char *segmentUID, double csEta1, double csXsi1, double csEta2, double csXsi2, double segmentEta, double *segmentXsi, TiglBoolean *hasWarning) |
Computes the intersection of a line (defined by component segment coordinates) with an iso-eta line on a specified wing segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentGetSegmentUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, int segmentIndex, char **segmentUID) |
Returns the segment UID of a segment belonging to a component segment. The segment is specified with its index, which is in the 1...nsegments. The number of segments nsegments can be queried with tiglWingComponentSegmentGetNumberOfSegments. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingComponentSegmentPointGetSegmentEtaXsi (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *componentSegmentUID, double eta, double xsi, char **wingUID, char **segmentUID, double *segmentEta, double *segmentXsi, double *errorDistance) |
Returns eta, xsi, segmentUID and wingUID for a given eta and xsi on a componentSegment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetChordNormal (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double *normalXPtr, double *normalYPtr, double *normalZPtr) |
Returns a normal vector on the wing chord surface for a a given wing and segment index. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetChordPoint (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double *pointXPtr, double *pointYPtr, double *pointZPtr) |
Returns a point on the wing chord surface for a a given wing and segment index. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetComponentSegmentCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int *compSegmentCountPtr) |
Returns the number of component segments for a wing in a CPACS configuration. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetComponentSegmentIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, const char *compSegmentUID, int *segmentIndexPtr) |
Returns the Index of a component segment of a wing. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetComponentSegmentUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int compSegmentIndex, char **uidNamePtr) |
Returns the UID of a component segment of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *wingUID, int *wingIndexPtr) |
Returns the Index of a wing. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetInnerConnectedSegmentCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int *segmentCountPtr) |
Returns the count of wing segments connected to the inner section of a given segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetInnerConnectedSegmentIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int n, int *connectedIndexPtr) |
Returns the index (number) of the n-th wing segment connected to the inner section of a given segment. n starts at 1. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetInnerSectionAndElementIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int *sectionIndexPtr, int *elementIndexPtr) |
Returns the section index and section element index of the inner side of a given wing segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetInnerSectionAndElementUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, char **sectionUIDPtr, char **elementUIDPtr) |
Returns the section UID and section element UID of the inner side of a given wing segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetLowerPoint (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double *pointXPtr, double *pointYPtr, double *pointZPtr) |
Returns a point on the lower wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetLowerPointAtDirection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double dirx, double diry, double dirz, double *pointXPtr, double *pointYPtr, double *pointZPtr, double *errorDistance) |
Returns a point on the lower wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. This function is different from tiglWingGetLowerPoint: First, a point on the wing chord surface is computed (defined by segment index and eta,xsi). Then, a line is constructed, which is defined by this point and a direction given by the user. The intersection of this line with the lower wing surface is finally returned. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetOuterConnectedSegmentCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int *segmentCountPtr) |
Returns the count of wing segments connected to the outer section of a given segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetOuterConnectedSegmentIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int n, int *connectedIndexPtr) |
Returns the index (number) of the n-th wing segment connected to the outer section of a given segment. n starts at 1. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetOuterSectionAndElementIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, int *sectionIndexPtr, int *elementIndexPtr) |
Returns the section index and section element index of the outer side of a given wing segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetOuterSectionAndElementUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, char **sectionUIDPtr, char **elementUIDPtr) |
Returns the section UID and section element UID of the outer side of a given wing segment. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetProfileName (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int sectionIndex, int elementIndex, char **profileNamePtr) |
Returns the name of a wing profile. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSectionCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int *sectionCount) |
Returns the number of sections of a wing. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSectionUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int sectionIndex, char **uidNamePtr) |
Returns the UID of a section of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSegmentCount (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int *segmentCountPtr) |
Returns the number of segments for a wing in a CPACS configuration. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSegmentEtaXsi (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, double pointX, double pointY, double pointZ, int *segmentIndex, double *eta, double *xsi, int *isOnTop) |
Inverse function to tiglWingGetLowerPoint and tiglWingGetLowerPoint. Calculates to a point (x,y,z) in global coordinates the wing segment coordinates and the wing segment index. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSegmentIndex (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *segmentUID, int *segmentIndexPtr, int *wingIndexPtr) |
Returns the Index of a segment of a wing. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSegmentUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, char **uidNamePtr) |
Returns the UID of a segment of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetSymmetry (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, TiglSymmetryAxis *symmetryAxisPtr) |
Returns the Symmetry Enum if the wing has symmetry-axis. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetUID (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, char **uidNamePtr) |
Returns the UID of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetUpperPoint (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double *pointXPtr, double *pointYPtr, double *pointZPtr) |
Returns a point on the upper wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingGetUpperPointAtDirection (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, int wingIndex, int segmentIndex, double eta, double xsi, double dirx, double diry, double dirz, double *pointXPtr, double *pointYPtr, double *pointZPtr, double *errorDistance) |
Returns a point on the upper wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. This function is different from tiglWingGetUpperPoint: First, a point on the wing chord surface is computed (defined by segment index and eta,xsi). Then, a line is constructed, which is defined by this point and a direction given by the user. The intersection of this line with the upper wing surface is finally returned. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates. More... | |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode | tiglWingSegmentPointGetComponentSegmentEtaXsi (TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle cpacsHandle, const char *segmentUID, const char *componentSegmentUID, double segmentEta, double segmentXsi, double *eta, double *xsi) |
Returns eta, xsi coordinates of a componentSegment given segmentEta and segmentXsi on a wing segment. More... | |
Function to handle wing geometry's with TIGL.
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglControlSurfaceGetDeflection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | controlSurfaceUID, | ||
double * | deflection | ||
) |
Returns the current value for the deflection of a control device.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
[out] | deflection | Value for the deflection |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglControlSurfaceGetMaximumDeflection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | controlSurfaceUID, | ||
double * | maxDeflection | ||
) |
Returns the maximum value for the deflection of a control device.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
[out] | maxDeflection | Maximum value for the deflection |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglControlSurfaceGetMinimumDeflection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | controlSurfaceUID, | ||
double * | minDeflection | ||
) |
Returns the minimum value for the deflection of a control device.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
[out] | minDeflection | Minimum value for the deflection |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglControlSurfaceSetDeflection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | controlSurfaceUID, | ||
double | deflection | ||
) |
Sets the current value for the deflection of a control device.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
[out] | deflection | Value for the deflection |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglGetControlSurfaceCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
int * | numControlSurfaces | ||
) |
Returns the number of control surfaces belonging to a component segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[out] | numControlSurfaces | number of control surfaces of the componentSegment |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglGetControlSurfaceType | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | controlSurfaceUID, | ||
TiglControlSurfaceType * | controlSurfaceType | ||
) |
Returns the type of a control surface given its UID.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
[out] | controlSurfaceType | Type of the control surface |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglGetControlSurfaceUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
int | controlSurfaceIndex, | ||
char ** | controlSurfaceUID | ||
) |
Returns the UID of a control surface given its index in a component segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[in] | controlSurfaceIndex | Index of the control surface, starting at 1 |
[out] | controlSurfaceUID | UID of the control surface |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglGetWingCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int * | wingCountPtr | ||
) |
Returns the number of wings in a CPACS configuration.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[out] | wingCountPtr | Pointer to the number of wings |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentComputeEtaIntersection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
double | csEta1, | ||
double | csXsi1, | ||
double | csEta2, | ||
double | csXsi2, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double * | xsi, | ||
TiglBoolean * | hasWarning | ||
) |
Given a straight line in space defined by a pair of component segment (eta,xsi) coordinates, the function computes the intersection of the line with a component segment iso-eta line.
The function is similar to tiglWingComponentSegmentGetSegmentIntersection, with the difference, that an iso-line of the component segment is used instead of an iso-line of a segment. The line is defined by its inner and outer point, both given in component segment coordinates. Typically, these might be spar positions or leading edge coordinates of flaps. The eta value for the iso-eta line should be in the range [csEta1, csEta2]. The function returns the xsi coordinate (depth coordinate) of the intersection point. This coordinate is given in the component segment coordinate system. See image below for details.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[in] | csEta1,csEta2 | Start and end eta coordinates of the intersection line (given as component segment coordinates) |
[in] | csXsi1,csXsi2 | Start and end xsi coordinates of the intersection line (given as component segment coordinates) |
[in] | eta | Eta coordinate of the iso-eta component segment intersection line |
[out] | xsi | Xsi coordinate of the intersection point on the wing component segment |
[out] | hasWarning | The hasWarning flag is true (1), if the resulting xsi value is either outside the valid range [0,1]. It is up to the user to handle these cases properly. This flag is only valid, if the function returns TIGL_SUCCESS. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentFindSegment | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
double | z, | ||
char ** | segmentUID, | ||
char ** | wingUID | ||
) |
Returns the segmentUID and wingUID for a given point on a componentSegment. The returned strings must not be freed by the user anymore.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment to search for |
[in] | x,y,z | Coordinates of the point of the componentSegment |
[out] | segmentUID | UID of the segment that fits to the given point and componentSegment. In contrast to old releases, the returned string must not be freed by the user! |
[out] | wingUID | UID of the wing that fits to the given point and componentSegment In contrast to old releases, the returned string must not be freed by the user! |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentGetNumberOfSegments | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
int * | nsegments | ||
) |
Returns the number of segments belonging to a component segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[out] | nsegments | Number of segments belonging to the component segment |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentGetPoint | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
double * | z | ||
) |
Returns x,y,z koordinates for a given eta and xsi on a componentSegment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment to search for |
[in] | eta,xsi | Eta and Xsi of the point of the componentSegment |
[out] | x | X coordinate of the point on the corresponding segment. |
[out] | y | Y coordinate of the point on the corresponding segment. |
[out] | z | Z coordinate of the point on the corresponding segment. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentGetSegmentIntersection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
const char * | segmentUID, | ||
double | csEta1, | ||
double | csXsi1, | ||
double | csEta2, | ||
double | csXsi2, | ||
double | segmentEta, | ||
double * | segmentXsi, | ||
TiglBoolean * | hasWarning | ||
) |
Computes the intersection of a line (defined by component segment coordinates) with an iso-eta line on a specified wing segment.
The component segment line is defined by its inner and outer point, both defined in component segment coordinates. Typically, these might be spar positions or leading edge coordinates of flaps. The segment line is defined by a iso-eta line. Typically, the intersection with a wing section would be computed (i.e. eta=1 or eta=0). The function returns the xsi coordinate (depth coordinate) of the intersection point. This coordinate is given in the segment coordinate system. See image below for details.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[in] | segmentUID | UID of the segment, the intersection should be calculated with |
[in] | csEta1,csEta2 | Start and end eta coordinates of the intersection line (given as component segment coordinates) |
[in] | csXsi1,csXsi2 | Start and end xsi coordinates of the intersection line (given as component segment coordinates) |
[in] | segmentEta | Eta coordinate of the iso-eta segment intersection line |
[out] | segmentXsi | Xsi coordinate of the intersection point on the wing segment |
[out] | hasWarning | The hasWarning flag is true (1), if the resulting xsi value is outside the valid range [0,1]. It is up to the user to handle these cases properly. This flag is only valid, if the function returns TIGL_SUCCESS. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentGetSegmentUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
char ** | segmentUID | ||
) |
Returns the segment UID of a segment belonging to a component segment. The segment is specified with its index, which is in the 1...nsegments. The number of segments nsegments can be queried with tiglWingComponentSegmentGetNumberOfSegments.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment |
[in] | segmentIndex | Index of the segment (1 <= index <= nsegments) |
[out] | segmentUID | UID of the segment |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingComponentSegmentPointGetSegmentEtaXsi | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
char ** | wingUID, | ||
char ** | segmentUID, | ||
double * | segmentEta, | ||
double * | segmentXsi, | ||
double * | errorDistance | ||
) |
Returns eta, xsi, segmentUID and wingUID for a given eta and xsi on a componentSegment.
If the given component segment point lies outside the wing chord surface, the function returns an error distance > 0. If this distance is larger than 1 mm, the point is first projected onto the segment (see image). Then, this point is transformed into segment coordinates. It is up to the user to handle this case correctly.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the componentSegment to search for |
[in] | eta,xsi | Eta and Xsi of the point of the componentSegment |
[out] | wingUID | UID of the wing that fits to the given point and componentSegment. In contrast to old releases, the returned string must not be freed by the user! |
[out] | segmentUID | UID of the segment that fits to the given point and componentSegment. In contrast to old releases, the returned string must not be freed by the user! |
[out] | segmentEta | Eta of the point on the corresponding segment. |
[out] | segmentXsi | Xsi of the point on the corresponding segment. |
[out] | errorDistance | If the point given in component segment lies outside the wing chord surface this paramter returns the distance of the point to the nearest point on the wing. Normally, this should be zero! In older releases, an error was generated if this distance was larger than 1 cm. Now, it is up to the user to handle this case. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetChordNormal | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double * | normalXPtr, | ||
double * | normalYPtr, | ||
double * | normalZPtr | ||
) |
Returns a normal vector on the wing chord surface for a a given wing and segment index.
Returns a normal vector on the wing chord surface in dependence of parameters eta and xsi, which range from 0.0 to 1.0.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0 |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0 |
[out] | normalXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the resulting normal vector |
[out] | normalYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the resulting normal vector |
[out] | normalZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the resulting normal vector |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetChordPoint | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double * | pointXPtr, | ||
double * | pointYPtr, | ||
double * | pointZPtr | ||
) |
Returns a point on the wing chord surface for a a given wing and segment index.
Returns a point on the wing chord surface in dependence of parameters eta and xsi, which range from 0.0 to 1.0. For eta = 0.0, xsi = 0.0 the point is equal to the leading edge on the inner section of the given segment. For eta = 1.0, xsi = 1.0 the point is equal to the trailing edge on the outer section of the given segment. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0 |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0 |
[out] | pointXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetComponentSegmentCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int * | compSegmentCountPtr | ||
) |
Returns the number of component segments for a wing in a CPACS configuration.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[out] | compSegmentCountPtr | Pointer to the number of component segments |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetComponentSegmentIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
const char * | compSegmentUID, | ||
int * | segmentIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the Index of a component segment of a wing.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | compSegmentUID | The uid of the wing |
[out] | segmentIndexPtr | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; int segmentIndex; returnCode = tiglWingGetComponentSegmentIndex(cpacsHandle, wing, uidName, &segmentIndex); printf("The Index of the component segment of wing %d is %d\n", wing, segmentIndex);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetComponentSegmentUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | compSegmentIndex, | ||
char ** | uidNamePtr | ||
) |
Returns the UID of a component segment of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | compSegmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | uidNamePtr | The uid of the wing |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; char* uidPtr = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetComponentSegmentUID(cpacsHandle, wing, segmentID, &uidPtr); printf("The UID of the component segment of wing %d is %s\n", wing, uidPtr);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | wingUID, | ||
int * | wingIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the Index of a wing.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingUID | The uid of the wing |
[out] | wingIndexPtr | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; int wingIndex; returnCode = tiglWingGetUID(cpacsHandle, wingUID, &wingIndex); printf("The Index of the wing is %d\n", wingIndex);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetInnerConnectedSegmentCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int * | segmentCountPtr | ||
) |
Returns the count of wing segments connected to the inner section of a given segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | segmentCountPtr | Pointer to the count of connected segments |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetInnerConnectedSegmentIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int | n, | ||
int * | connectedIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the index (number) of the n-th wing segment connected to the inner section of a given segment. n starts at 1.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[in] | n | n-th segment searched, 1 <= n <= tiglWingGetInnerConnectedSegmentCount(...) |
[out] | connectedIndexPtr | Pointer to the segment index of the n-th connected segment |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetInnerSectionAndElementIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int * | sectionIndexPtr, | ||
int * | elementIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the section index and section element index of the inner side of a given wing segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | sectionIndexPtr | The section index of the inner side |
[out] | elementIndexPtr | The section element index of the inner side |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetInnerSectionAndElementUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
char ** | sectionUIDPtr, | ||
char ** | elementUIDPtr | ||
) |
Returns the section UID and section element UID of the inner side of a given wing segment.
Important change: The memory necessary for the two UIDs must not be freed by the user anymore.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | sectionUIDPtr | The section UID of the inner side |
[out] | elementUIDPtr | The section element UID of the inner side |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetLowerPoint | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double * | pointXPtr, | ||
double * | pointYPtr, | ||
double * | pointZPtr | ||
) |
Returns a point on the lower wing surface for a a given wing and segment index.
Returns a point on the lower wing surface in dependence of parameters eta and xsi, which range from 0.0 to 1.0. For eta = 0.0, xsi = 0.0 the point is equal to the leading edge on the inner section of the given segment. For eta = 1.0, xsi = 1.0 the point is equal to the trailing edge on the outer section of the given segment. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0 |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0 |
[out] | pointXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetLowerPointAtDirection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double | dirx, | ||
double | diry, | ||
double | dirz, | ||
double * | pointXPtr, | ||
double * | pointYPtr, | ||
double * | pointZPtr, | ||
double * | errorDistance | ||
) |
Returns a point on the lower wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. This function is different from tiglWingGetLowerPoint: First, a point on the wing chord surface is computed (defined by segment index and eta,xsi). Then, a line is constructed, which is defined by this point and a direction given by the user. The intersection of this line with the lower wing surface is finally returned. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0; eta = 0 for inner section , eta = 1 for outer section |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0; xsi = 0 for Leading Edge, xsi = 1 for Trailing Edge |
[in] | dirx | X-component of the direction vector. |
[in] | diry | Y-component of the direction vector. |
[in] | dirz | Z-component of the direction vector. |
[out] | pointXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | errorDistance | If the lower surface is missed by the line, the absolute distance between line and the nearest point on the surface is returned. The distance is zero in case of successful intersection. It's up to the user to decide, if the distance is too large and the result has to be treated as an error. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetOuterConnectedSegmentCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int * | segmentCountPtr | ||
) |
Returns the count of wing segments connected to the outer section of a given segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | segmentCountPtr | Pointer to the count of connected segments |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetOuterConnectedSegmentIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int | n, | ||
int * | connectedIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the index (number) of the n-th wing segment connected to the outer section of a given segment. n starts at 1.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[in] | n | n-th segment searched, 1 <= n <= tiglWingGetOuterConnectedSegmentCount(...) |
[out] | connectedIndexPtr | Pointer to the segment index of the n-th connected segment |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetOuterSectionAndElementIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
int * | sectionIndexPtr, | ||
int * | elementIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the section index and section element index of the outer side of a given wing segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | sectionIndexPtr | The section index of the outer side |
[out] | elementIndexPtr | The section element index of the outer side |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetOuterSectionAndElementUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
char ** | sectionUIDPtr, | ||
char ** | elementUIDPtr | ||
) |
Returns the section UID and section element UID of the outer side of a given wing segment.
Important change: The memory necessary for the two UIDs must not be freed by the user anymore.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | sectionUIDPtr | The section UID of the outer side |
[out] | elementUIDPtr | The section element UID of the outer side |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetProfileName | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | sectionIndex, | ||
int | elementIndex, | ||
char ** | profileNamePtr | ||
) |
Returns the name of a wing profile. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | sectionIndex | The index of a section, starting at 1 |
[in] | elementIndex | The index of an element on the section |
[out] | profileNamePtr | The name of the wing profile |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; char* namePtr = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetProfileName(cpacsHandle, wing, section, element, &namePtr); printf("Profile name is %s\n", namePtr);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSectionCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int * | sectionCount | ||
) |
Returns the number of sections of a wing.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[out] | sectionCount | The number of sections of the wing |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; int sectionCount = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetSectionUID(cpacsHandle, wingIndex, §ionCount); printf("The Number of sections of wing %d is %d\n", wingIndex, sectionCount);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSectionUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | sectionIndex, | ||
char ** | uidNamePtr | ||
) |
Returns the UID of a section of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | sectionIndex | The index of a section, starting at 1 |
[out] | uidNamePtr | The uid of the wing |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; char* uidPtr = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetSectionUID(cpacsHandle, wing, sectionUID, &uidPtr); printf("The UID of the section of wing %d is %s\n", wing, uidPtr);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSegmentCount | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int * | segmentCountPtr | ||
) |
Returns the number of segments for a wing in a CPACS configuration.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[out] | segmentCountPtr | Pointer to the number of segments |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSegmentEtaXsi | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
double | pointX, | ||
double | pointY, | ||
double | pointZ, | ||
int * | segmentIndex, | ||
double * | eta, | ||
double * | xsi, | ||
int * | isOnTop | ||
) |
Inverse function to tiglWingGetLowerPoint and tiglWingGetLowerPoint. Calculates to a point (x,y,z) in global coordinates the wing segment coordinates and the wing segment index.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | pointX | X-Coordinate of the global point |
[in] | pointY | Y-Coordinate of the global point |
[in] | pointZ | Z-Coordinate of the global point |
[out] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[out] | eta | Eta value in segment coordinates |
[out] | xsi | Xsi value in segment coordinates |
[out] | isOnTop | isOnTop is 1, if the point lies on the upper wing face, else 0. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSegmentIndex | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | segmentUID, | ||
int * | segmentIndexPtr, | ||
int * | wingIndexPtr | ||
) |
Returns the Index of a segment of a wing.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | segmentUID | The uid of the wing |
[out] | segmentIndexPtr | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | wingIndexPtr | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; int segmentIndex, wingIndex; returnCode = tiglWingGetSegmentIndex(cpacsHandle, segmentUID, &segmentIndex, &wingIndex); printf("The Index of the segment of wing %d is %d\n", wingIndex, segmentIndex);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSegmentUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
char ** | uidNamePtr | ||
) |
Returns the UID of a segment of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of a segment, starting at 1 |
[out] | uidNamePtr | The uid of the wing |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; char* uidPtr = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetSegmentUID(cpacsHandle, wing, segmentID, &uidPtr); printf("The UID of the segment of wing %d is %s\n", wing, uidPtr);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetSymmetry | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
TiglSymmetryAxis * | symmetryAxisPtr | ||
) |
Returns the Symmetry Enum if the wing has symmetry-axis.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | Index of the Wing to export |
[out] | symmetryAxisPtr | Returning TiglSymmetryAxis enum pointer |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetUID | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
char ** | uidNamePtr | ||
) |
Returns the UID of a wing. The string returned must not be deleted by the caller via free(). It will be deleted when the CPACS configuration is closed.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of a wing, starting at 1 |
[out] | uidNamePtr | The uid of the wing |
Usage example:
TiglReturnCode returnCode; char* uidPtr = 0; returnCode = tiglWingGetUID(cpacsHandle, wing, &uidPtr); printf("The UID of the wing is %s\n", uidPtr);
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetUpperPoint | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double * | pointXPtr, | ||
double * | pointYPtr, | ||
double * | pointZPtr | ||
) |
Returns a point on the upper wing surface for a a given wing and segment index.
Returns a point on the upper wing surface in dependence of parameters eta and xsi, which range from 0.0 to 1.0. For eta = 0.0, xsi = 0.0 the point is equal to the leading edge on the inner section of the given segment. For eta = 1.0, xsi = 1.0 the point is equal to the trailing edge on the outer section of the given segment. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0; eta = 0 for inner section , eta = 1 for outer section |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0; xsi = 0 for Leading Edge, xsi = 1 for Trailing Edge |
[out] | pointXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingGetUpperPointAtDirection | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
int | wingIndex, | ||
int | segmentIndex, | ||
double | eta, | ||
double | xsi, | ||
double | dirx, | ||
double | diry, | ||
double | dirz, | ||
double * | pointXPtr, | ||
double * | pointYPtr, | ||
double * | pointZPtr, | ||
double * | errorDistance | ||
) |
Returns a point on the upper wing surface for a a given wing and segment index. This function is different from tiglWingGetUpperPoint: First, a point on the wing chord surface is computed (defined by segment index and eta,xsi). Then, a line is constructed, which is defined by this point and a direction given by the user. The intersection of this line with the upper wing surface is finally returned. The point is returned in absolute world coordinates.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | wingIndex | The index of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | segmentIndex | The index of the segment of the wing, starting at 1 |
[in] | eta | eta in the range 0.0 <= eta <= 1.0; eta = 0 for inner section , eta = 1 for outer section |
[in] | xsi | xsi in the range 0.0 <= xsi <= 1.0; xsi = 0 for Leading Edge, xsi = 1 for Trailing Edge |
[in] | dirx | X-component of the direction vector. |
[in] | diry | Y-component of the direction vector. |
[in] | dirz | Z-component of the direction vector. |
[out] | pointXPtr | Pointer to the x-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointYPtr | Pointer to the y-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | pointZPtr | Pointer to the z-coordinate of the point in absolute world coordinates |
[out] | errorDistance | If the upper surface is missed by the line, the absolute distance between line and the nearest point on the surface is returned. The distance is zero in case of successful intersection. It's up to the user to decide, if the distance is too large and the result has to be treated as an error. |
TIGL_COMMON_EXPORT TiglReturnCode tiglWingSegmentPointGetComponentSegmentEtaXsi | ( | TiglCPACSConfigurationHandle | cpacsHandle, |
const char * | segmentUID, | ||
const char * | componentSegmentUID, | ||
double | segmentEta, | ||
double | segmentXsi, | ||
double * | eta, | ||
double * | xsi | ||
) |
Returns eta, xsi coordinates of a componentSegment given segmentEta and segmentXsi on a wing segment.
[in] | cpacsHandle | Handle for the CPACS configuration |
[in] | segmentUID | UID of the wing segment to search for |
[in] | componentSegmentUID | UID of the associated componentSegment |
[in] | segmentEta,segmentXsi | Eta and Xsi coordinates of the point on the wing segment |
[out] | eta | Eta of the point on the corresponding component segment. |
[out] | xsi | Xsi of the point on the corresponding component segment. |