
Create a aircraft from scratch

In this tutorial, we will present how to create a aircraft from scratch.

1 ) Open CPACSCreator. 2 ) Create a new file, either click on create a new file (File->New) or press the shortcut Ctl+N.


3 ) In the dialog box, chose one of the template files, then click on "OK".


4 ) Select the fuselages element in the CPACS tree view. If the CPACS tree view is not shown either activate the view trough the menu (View->Display->Tree) or press the shortcut alt+M.


5 ) Click on "Add a new fuselage" in the Editor widget. If the editor widget is not shown either activate the widget trough the menu (View->Display->Editor) or press the shortcut alt+Shift+M.


6 ) In the dialog box, chose the UID for this fuselage, the number of section and the profile UID, then click on "OK". It's important to give the correct UID at this point, because, for the moment, it's impossible to change UID later one. Remark, that the other UIDs as section UIDs or the transformation UIDs are automatically generated and derived from this given UID.


7 ) Click on the button to fit the content on the view port or press the shortcut Alt+A, because you are probably to fare a way from your fuselage.


8 ) In the CPACS tree view, click on the fuselage that you have just created (here "MainFuselage") to activate its editor widget.


9 ) Now you should have the editor widget displaying the high level parameters for the fuselage and the fuselage sections highlighted in the scene.


10 ) Edit some parameters of the fuselage. Here, I change the length to 15 and the width to 3, then click on "OK". Remark, that the change are only applied when you click on "OK". The apply order is from top parameter to bottom parameter. If you have make a mistake and you want to have the values of your current tigl object restored, you can click on "Cancel".


11 ) Now, if you want to go in a more fine grain definition. You need to switch to the section level. To do this, select the wanted section in the CPACS tree view and click on it. The editor widget should change to the section editor and only the select section should be highlighted. Here, I chose the first section.


12 ) Edit the high level parameters of the section Here, I change the area to zero to have a peaked noose.


13 ) Do the same for the other sections, if you want. To set the position of a section you can also use the positioning editor. Remark the difference between setting the position using the section editor and setting the position using the positioning editor. In the case of using the section editor, only the selected section changed and in the case of using the positioning widget the section after the selected section was shifted. This come from the fact that the positioning are depending from each other.

Set the position of section 2 using center in section widget

Set the position of section 2 using positioning in positioning widget

14 ) If you want to add a section, you can go to the sections level by click on "sections" in the tree view and then click on "Add section". Here, I add a section after the last one. Remark that the position and the size of the added section is defined by the other sections already present in the fuselage.

Sections level

Add section dialog box

Once the section was added

15 ) Modify the fuselage as you want by the selecting the object to modify in the tree view and edit in the editor widget. If you have made some unwanted operation you can always undo the previous operation by pressing the shortcut Ctl+Z if the focus is in the scene or by clicking on the undo button (Edit->Undo)


16 ) Once you are happy with your fuselage or when you want to add a check point, you can save your file. Click on (File->Save) or press the short Ctl+S. Make sure to add .xml to the file name otherwise an error will rise. Remark, before this operation the file is not saved. There is no auto-saving feature.

Once the section was added

17 ) The creation of the wing is basically the same as the creation of a fuselage. First, add a new wing.


18 ) Edit the wing parameters.


19 ) Go in more fine grain definition.


20 ) You can of course create multiple wing


21 ) If you want to create a vertical wing, you can simply set the X-rotation to 90 degrees. Remark that the sweep, dihedral and other definitions still make also sense in this case.


22 ) You can changed the transparency of the displayed element by selecting the element and right clicking on them.


23 ) You can also export your geometry to other formats.


24 ) :)

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